
Mini Spa

by Sofia   -   in DIY projects  Good things for kids

The girls and I have done our little spa treatments forever. It has started from the baby massage and continued their whole life. Some kids like physical touch more than others and mine have always loved to be sitting on our laps, cuddling, having us draw on their backs and so forth. Our mini spa is no different. It´s more about a lovely relaxing feeling than an actual facial.






 The cutest morning robes from Petite Plume.


I like to do a whole set up with candles, special drinks ( water or tea is great) and relaxing music. And the girls do spa treatments for me too.  I recently found a great face massage tutorial on the Vanderohe highlights under sculpt that my girls enjoyed ( I did a light touch version). I also do a back & head massage. My girls favourite? When they lie on their back and I sit behind their head. I  put my hand under their back and slide my hands upwards from the tailbone, fingers by the spine, so that they lie very relaxed and I carry their weight. Continue all the way up to the point were the neck & head meet. The movement is from baby massage so you may know it. Try it! It makes them feel so nice and relaxed. I made a lovely little lounge area for them to chill at on our bed afterwards with their cucumber water. This like many other things does not have to take hours off your day. Just a 20 minute spa session is plenty for a child. In one hour I will be able to set up, do their ” treatments” and clean up.



 Water with lemon, cucumber & basil. So yummy!





Another great thing is doing hand and foot massages. I have the girls compete so that they get a time slot ( say 10 minutes) and each gets a foot or a hand. Then I choose who massaged better. They keep asking whose winning so I can get them to massage even better! I know I know, horrible use of child labour but they find it fun and actually suggest it themselves. And my kids love doing facials to me too. I just give them all kinds of face oils and moisturising masks and they slather those on me. Now I think I´ll try to get them to learn the sculpting massage.

I hope you will have a lovely weekend! I´m going to bake a chocolate fudge cake with my girls for tonight. We think the whole family deserves a treat after another week of self isolation. We are making steak frites, a green salad with a dijon vinaigrette, a tomato, basil & shallot salad and some string beans for dinner. I will also open a bottle of wine tonight. What do you think, is it already time for rosé? Looks and feels like spring to me!



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2 comments on “ Mini Spa „
Karkki, on March 30, 2020

Tämän jutun pohjalta piti kipaista (tai noh ajaa autolla) Alkoon hakemaan pullo rosé:ta. Lauantai oli niin ihanan lämmin päivä, että lasillinen ihanaa rosé viiniä sopi siihen oikein hyvin. Nyt ehkä ei niinkään enää 😀

Toivottavasti teillä oli mukava viikonloppu! Me nautimme ulkoilusta ja pienistä keväthommista.

Sofia, on April 16, 2020

Karkki, välillä ihania kevätpäiviä ja välillä räntää ja lunta. Mutta kyllä se rosé on niin ihana keväinen juoma niille kauniille aurinkoisille päiville.

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