Summer cooking
by Sofia - in Random
Tässä vielä muutama ruokaresepti muistokin eilisten makeiden rinnalle…
Here are links to a few savoury recipes from last summer to accompany the baking memories…
The greek salad is a classic for a reason.
Kreikkalainen salaatti on syystäkin klassikko!
How do you feel about home made burgers? I feel very very positive!
Itsetehdyt hampparit ovat mitä parasta kesäruokaa!

Summer bakes
by Sofia - in Random
Ennen kuin ehdin tehdä uusia ihania kesäreseptejä saaressa niin tässä muistinpalautuksena muutama viimevuotinen…
A few recipes from last summer before I have time to make new flavour memories…
My personal favourite from last summer is the yoghurt-cardamon pound cake. Can´t wait to make it again!
Tämä kardemummakakku oli oma suosikkini viime kesältä ja aion tehdä sitä lomanaloituskahveille tänä vuonna!
Cinnamon buns because they turn irresistible the second you get that whiff out of the oven.
Koska mikään ei herauta vettä kielelle niin kuin korvapuustin tuoksu joka tulvahtaa uunista.

15 things I love
by Sofia - in Random
Do you ever make lists? I write down grocery lists and packing lists, every now and then to do-lists. I was blessed with a very good memory so sometimes I write the lists in my head. Never the less I could be considered a list maker. I was asked to write a list about 10 things I love ( on Instagram) and I always thought I would share them here too but then forgot all about it. If you have been following my blog for a long time most of these will not come as a surprise. These are not in any particular order.