Winter shoe love
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
I love these Papouelli booties for winter for the girls! These are lined with lambswool ( and the ankle cuff is faux fur) so they would be practical even in the Helsinki winters. And they come up to size 40 so maybe even mummy could have a pair? I used to have a very similar pair as a child. As my girls are not in the kindergarten or even after school age where they play outside for hours in the slush I think we may have come to an age where these kinds of shoes could work for them for school! What do you think? We ordered them for this winter so I will let you know how they are.
Ihastuin näihin saapikkaisiin tytöille tulevaksi talveksi. Nyt kun ei enää tarvitse huomioida loskassa ulkona tunti tolkulla leikkimistä päiväkotioloissa niin voi jo miettiä ihania vaihtoehtoja vuotuisille goretex kengille!
I also like the fact that these would look very presentable with a skirt or a dress to go out on the town with my mom. I also like these ( for myself). Papouelli has the loveliest little shop in Belgravia where I always visit when in London as they have the best shoes. And it´s across the street from Pepa & Co and a hop and a skip from Peggy Porchen´s pink coffee shop and bakery. Now we can only dream but I´m pretty sure that when we finally get to travel again we will enjoy it and appreciate it all the more.
What are you doing with winter shoes for older girls?
The other night
by Sofia - in Random
I saw him there. Just standing alone against the darkening night sky. An outline against the white walls of that big church of ours. It was otherworldly to hear the first notes resonate through the Senate square. A lone trumpet crying in to the night. It´s sad notes filling the empty streets. No one to listen but me and my daughter. But we heard him. And it touched me somewhere deep inside where I was already feeling raw and sad and unnecessary. Those were the notes of someone needing to let it all out. The sound of a cry or of relief. Of getting rid of the pressing ache in him. Maybe they were notes to a loved one passing or notes to reassure anyone of anything. Maybe it was just his need to be heard. Maybe they were the cords of love and happiness that I interpreted through a filter I was feeling. A filter of letting go.
And then I told my daughter we could walk slowly and he could play us home as far as we could hear him. Home was warm and light and filled with my loves, my husband and my girls, my family. At times like these when we sometimes have to let go of things not meant for us anymore. When we have to let our dreams just slip through our fingers even if we try to hold on tight. At times like these it´s such a comfort to have love and to have people who help us interpret our feelings through music, through art, through movies and dance.
I needed to walk by as a lone man stood on the stairs playing a trumpet in to the night.
The dark part of the picture is actually the church stairs.
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Lupasin jakaa vielä muutaman oman suosikkini Youngest Fashionin valikoimista. Meillä on vuosia, kuten monet pitkäaikaiset blogini lukijat tietävät, ollut Oscar & Valentinin kasmirit käytössä. Nyt tytöt alkavat olla jo niin isoja, ettei meidän koossa enää löydy juuri mitään, mutta tässä omia lemppareita kasmireista ja muista ihanuuksista!
Tänä syksynä ihastuimme näihin uusiin hiusjuttuihin. Rusettipanta on aina kaunis pieni lisä vaikka meillä tytöt pitävät hiuksia pääsääntöisesti kiinni koulussa.
Tässä rusetissa on mielestäni todella kaunis sävy!
Vaikka ei olisikaan mikää huippu letittäjä, niin lasten kampauksiin saan helposti vähän kauneutta lisättyä rusettipampuloilla.
Jos minulla olisi tiedossa talvivauva niin tämä olisi ensimmäinen hankintani. Omat lapseni ovat molemmat syntyneet loppusyksystä ja meillä kasmir haalari oli käytetyimpien vaatteiden listalla. Alle vaan suloinen pehmeä puuvilla body, päälle pehmoinen kashmirhaalari, myssy, tumput ja sukat ja sitten lapsi Joutsenen untuvapussiin ja vaunuihin. Toki siis pakkaskeleillä haalari kokonaisuuden päälle vielä. Mutta loppusyksyn sähin tämä oli minun lempi komboni.
Pienet vauvat pitävät myssyä ulkona päässään jatkuvasti joten se on mielestäni asia johon kannattaa jopa vähän sijoittaa. Tämä on suosikkini.
Meiltä löytyy tällaiset pienet vaaleanpunaiset kasmir sukat muistojen laatikosta. Ja muistan vieläkin kuinka niihin laitoin pieniä pulleita varpaita. Ja kuinka niitä riisuessa pikku jalat olivat ihanan lämpöiset. Aika on kulunut liian nopeasti.