
Happy Weekend

by Sofia   -   in Interior design

Another week soaring by. I have been packing up the house with an inflamed shoulder ( luckily it is my left shoulder joint and as a right handed person I can still function fairly well) which basically means I can sort and fold and pack but not lift anything remotely heavy. It´s still going very well and next week we say good bye to our beloved home. My husband is not half as sentimental about things as I am or our daughters, especially Cotton Candy. I literally tear up when I even think of the days left in this apartment even though it has not been looking anything more than a storage unit for two weeks now. Anyhow it is weirdly hard for me. He is already very excited about the new place and has his eyes already there whereas I have mine sort of in the past.


You may have to read the blog post to the very end to get how the pictures are relevant.




But as I try to reassuringly tell my daughter all the memories will remain and you don´t really forget a house you lived in, ever. It is in your mind with you always. So instead of welling on these feelings I try to make her think of the new place and what great things we have waiting for us in our new dream home. The girls will be sharing their very own bathroom ( with two sinks which seems to be an important detail) and have their own rooms which is super exciting for them and they are also quite excited that daddy bought a huge tv & a sound system so they can host movie nights for friends ( you can then imagine how exhilarated I was about the tv but my husband promised we can keep a pretty photograph as a screensaver and it will look like a framed photo so I´m hoping that works). But the girls were most excited about moving very close to some of their very best friends!


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Tomato & lentil soup

by Sofia   -   in Cooking

I have not really been cooking that much lately as my kitchen is getting quite empty. We have been ordering in and buying our favourite ready made meals ( Herkku Food marketin omat valmisruokaosaston pinaatti- ja porkkanaletut ovat päässeet suosikkien listalle, me lämmitämme ne kuivalla paistinpannulla, paistamiseen ei tarvitse lainkaan voita koska ne ovat itsessään jo melko rasvaisia. Ja Kokkikartanon lohilaatikko on yksi meidän lasten suosikki valmisruoista.)  But today I decided it was a necessity to make myself a lunch that was nourishing and delicious as I need to be on top of my game and not just hungrily throwing stuff in boxes with not so delicate gusto. It was super easy, fast and delicious so here is my first recipe for 2019. The year I promised more recipes. It is as all my recipes, very versatile as you can add any kind of spices to it and different herbs too to make it with a bit of a Mexican twist or Italian perhaps.



Tomato & lentil soup 

1 can of tinned tomatoes ( you can use flavoured ones like onion & garlic)

1 can of lentils

1-2 onions chopped

1-2 cloves of garlic

1 dl oat cream

salt & pepper

( desired herbs like basil, parsley, cilantro  and spices like jeera, smoked paprika or cayenne pepper etc.)

1. Sautee the onion and garlic in some olive oil.

2. Add the tomato & lentils and some water as you rinse out the tomato from the tin.

3. Add desired herbs & spices.

4. Add the oat cream ( or regular cream).

5. Let it simmer for a few minutes and then blitz it in a food processor or with a Bamix.



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Have a lovely weekend

by Sofia   -   in Interior design

Everything is covered in beautiful beautiful snow here in Helsinki. It just makes things look brighter and I love how the snow mutes all the sounds outside. The city is a little quieter and a little lighter. 

I have spent my days sorting and packing and trying to keep my eye on the big prize that awaits in the end. Although, but not surprisingly, the renovation finishing date has been moved up a month. Renovating a house from scratch is quite a project even if you don´t do the actual work yourself. And trying to renovate an old apartment to fit the era it was built in requires quite a lot of sourcing and studying. Luckily we have had plenty of help from my brother. But I feel like I mostly flip through the web sites of so called building pharmacies for remakes of late 1800´s knobs, light switches, cornice moldings, lamps and little accessories like toilet paper holders and bigger ones like bath tubs. I feel like whatsapping my friends about exciting things about the new house, or to decide between a round or an oval knob that look very very similar, all the time and then stop myself. Does this really interest them so much. Seriously. It is where my mind is right now but who really cares which pretty porcelain light switch or socket I found for the place? 

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