
Have the happiest weekend

by Sofia   -   in Random

Ihanaa ihanaa viikonloppua! Ajattelin jakaa pitkästä aikaa taas vähän onnen aiheita. Täällä on viime aikoina tuonut iloa ainakin valkoinen lumipeite kuten varmasti moneen muuhunin perheeseen. Myös lisääntynyt valon määrä piristää kummasti. Mitään kovin suureellista tai erityistä ei viime aikoina ole tapahtunut, ei matkoja maailman ääriin, eikä ihania juhlia. Silloin elämässä ilon aiheet löydetään pienistä asioista arjessa. Pellegrinosta luomusitruunalla ja ihanista uusista sarjoista joita katsellessa voi hetkeksi karata eri aikakauteen ( Bridgerton oli mielestäni juuri tähän hetkeen täydellinen kauniin visuaalisine asuineen ja ympäristöineen, musiikkeineen, romansseineen ja herkullisen pastellisine väreineen). Omat pikku prinsessat ovat olleet reippaita ja onnen hetkiä on kun he vielä pyytävät iltaisin peittelemään ja suukkottelemaan ja halimaan. Enää harvoin joku kömpii yöllä kainaloon joten sekin tuntuu nykyään onnen aiheelta kun herään aamulla siihen kun joku kietoo pienet kätensä ympärilleni. Tässä vielä muutama visuaalinen ja materialistinen onnen aihe.

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 The new creams I spoke about last week arrived as did a few other everyday items like these white tank tops and a sweatsuit, with by our favourite Petit Bateau as well as some leggings and underwear. All in pretty pastels to get me in to a light and cozy Spring feel.

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Magic Balm

by Sofia   -   in Good things for kids  Shopping

How is the weather were you are? We are having a lot of snow that may end up coming down as rain these last few days of the week or as snow. Apparently remains to be seen. Last night was a pj´s and take out Indian night in our family. Some days you just don´t feel like cooking. But I love a good take out and a cozy night in. I helped the girls study for some exams at school and had a long chat with my husband. I also did some self care and it got me thinking of these pretty packages and to share one of my ” beauty tricks” at the end.

If you or your kids get dry skin patches during colder winter days what do you use? I love the look of these two alternatives although I have not tried either. The Minois one has arnica that is the best for preventing bruises ( I learned this early on from my French sister in law). I ordered this to try, as on top of dry skin the streets are so slippery we keep falling down and it always feels so nice when someone at least tries to look after you and rubs some arnica on your poor knees. I love their shower gel and I use it for myself actually. And I am loving the new Bonpoint packaging. I think the SOS cream sound great. I also had to get my hands on that hand cream (pun intended) as it will look lovely on my night desk or handbag and come very very handy ( another on intended) these days. With all the hand sanitisers we use and the constant hand washing I think we all should pay a bit of attention to the skin on our hands. We actually had a hand conversation with my friend and she thought mine look ” young” so I will share my weird trick even if I´m not particularly sure I agree with her or know if it´s my trick that helps. I actually use the backside ( as in not the palm side) of my hands to work in my hyaluronic acid serum to my neck in upwards motion. That way my hands also get a daily moisturizing treatment as I have heard that you can always see the age of a person on their hand even if they do botox their face, so my mom always taught me to take good care of my hands as well as the skin on my face. I don´t use anything fancy, this one normally does the trick for me. Yesterday I actually bought this one to try. And by the way my mom is not a big ” believer” in fancy and pricy products just self care in general.




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Ski outfits

by Sofia   -   in Good things for kids  Shopping

When we went skiing over the holidays and as the weather was not optimally sunny we realised our kids need brighter colours on the slopes to make spotting them easier. So I went looking for outfits with colour and warmth. I also asked you on Instagram for your preferred brands and many of you like Peak Performance, North Face and Reimatec for kids. We ended up with an “old” Italian brand that I used as a kid in the 80´s and 90´s and that our friends recommended, Colmar. But I will keep your  recommendations in my mind for the future. These are the outfits we ordered. I thought I might pair them with white Moon Boots for next year as my girls are always complaining how heavy their Sorrel´s are and how they want to go back to Moon Boots that they had as smaller kids. As I said earlier these were not on any major sale yet ( at -25% the bigger sizes were around 300€ each) but as we always need to buy two outfits even a little saving is nice. And by the way I did not necessarily want exactly the same ones for both but the other colour combo´s did not have their size left.



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