Have a sparkling New Year!
by Sofia - in Random
I wish you lots of light, love, laughter, health and happiness for the upcoming year. May it bring you joy and strength. May it resolve unfinished things and may it bring new amazing moments to your life. May it be filled with friendships and with things to do that you love. Let it be the year when you do what makes your soul dance to the tunes you love the most.
Let´s hope the upcoming year brings us insight, wisdom and a capability to see the bigger picture and to step in to one another´s shoes. Let´s all decide to sparkle the way we know best but also to let others shine just as brightly in their own ways. Let´s all decide to be kind and caring towards others but also towards ourselves. Let´s push our boundaries and let´s learn new things! But let us also slow down every once in a while and breath deep and just be.

Put a cherry on it
by Sofia - in Cooking Good things for kids Party planning
Me teimme jouluaattona tytöille Shirley Templet eli klassiset alkoholittomat cocktailit. Niihin sekoitetaan perinteisesti grenadiinia ( granaattiomenasta keitettyä makeaa kirkkaanpunaista siirappia jota saa ainakin joistain Alkoista. Helsingin keskustassa Stockan, Arkadian ja Kasarmintorin Alkosta ainakin) sekä inkiväärilimua ja drinkki koristellaan cocktail kirsikalla. Me teimme omistamme ruusuisen version maustamalla ne ruusulimonadilla ( löytyy myös mm. Alkon alkoholittomalta osastolta).
Looking for a mocktail for New Years? Inspired by the fantastic Celebrate Everything-book we made Shirley Temples for the girl for Christmas eve´s cocktail hour and they loved them. It would be a great New Year´s drink too! I made them with a rosy twist and I must say it was fabulous. The girls asked for seconds on Christmas Day so I even got some photos for you. Shirley Temple is probably the most iconic non alcoholic cocktail and there are tons of recipes online for it but here is my rosy version.

Happy Holidays
by Sofia - in Random
Vaikka itse rakastankin sitä tunnetta kun koti on siisti ja puhdas ja kaikki on paikoillaan, niin lopulta kaikkein tärkeintä ei kuitenkaan ole se miltä kotona näyttää vaan se hetki kun lapsen silmät kirkastuvat hänen saadessaan suuhunsa sen mantelin joulupuurosta, se kun istumme koko perhe pöydän ääreen ja puheensorina virtaa lämpimänä lävitseni ja se kuinka saan illalla viereeni pienet rakkaimmat lukemaan iltasatua, siihen ihan lähelle. Odotan aamukahviani takkatulen rätistessä, odotan Lumiukko elokuvaa jota kömmimme sohvalle katsomaan kainaloittain, ja tiedättekö, odotan jopa sitä hassua hetkeä kun kipaisen lämpöisestä kodista sisäpihan roskikselle kirpakan raikkaaseen ilmaan ja katson ylös oman kotimme ikkunoita, sitä valoa, kuusen kimallusta ja sitä pakahduttavaa tunnetta sydämessä kun tiedän, että siellä ylhäällä on minun kotini ja minun perheeni. Näistä aion myös olla tänä jouluna kiitollinen.
I´m thankful for and looking forward to the time spent with my family. I love a clean and organised home and it´s true my soul does rest in it, but if you did not have time to do everything perfectly remember it´s not the most important thing. It may sound strange but I look forward to the moment I sneak out after dinner to take the trash out. The air is crisp and cold compared to the warmth inside. I look up at my home where all my loved ones are. I can see the lights and the candles on the tree twinkling. I can almost hear someone laughing or even one girl telling the other off or my husband telling them to calm down. It makes me happy. I look froward to my morning coffee by the crackling fire, us watching Snowman on the sofa all huddled together. And I so love cuddling with my girls at night in the bed reading them a new book Santa brought the night before Christmas eve ( which is when we celebrate the main event in Finland as you all know Santa is from Finland and he personally visit all the houses of Finnish kids the night before he starts his sleigh ride around the world to deliver the rest of the parcels at night through the chimney).
I wish you Happy and Magical Holidays!
Toivon sinulle taianomaista ja tunnelmallista joulunaikaa!