A warm summer night. Alone on the island with little fairies.
A slight breeze in the air blowing their light floral dresses around.
Spinning, spinning, hands in the air. Eyes closed.
I will savour this moment of my girls dancing in the evening light for ever.
I will hold this memory close to my heart and when it´s cold and dark and grey I will close my eyes and look at them and fill myself with joy and peace and love.
I will smile a smile a woman with a full heart can smile.
As they are mine, those little girls dancing with so much joy of life. They are happy and so I am happy too.
There is nothing I can buy with money for them, no place I can travel to with them that is more important than just being with them. Joining in on the dance. Just letting go. Swinging them around in my arms and holding them close to me. There is nothing as important as letting them climb up to my lap and cuddling for a long time. As long as it takes until they continue their explorations. As I know that they will not want to be there forever. They will grow older and more independent. But this I will remember. That I promise.

Sale shopping
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Are you a sales shopper? I often buy a few “Can´t live without” favourites for full prize but then end up using the sales to stock up for the future ( for kids). I add very basic things on my online sales shopping cart too like t-shirts and panties from a favourite brand to get it all shipped at once. And often at sales times the shipping costs are free too which is something to keep an eye on. You can find really good quality brands for great prizes.
Sales shopping for children is also a little different than shopping for myself. I usually buy my key wardrobe things for full prize like stripy shirts or classic white button downs. They are often not on sale or if they are the sizes are very big or teeny tiny. On sale I look for something I really like but would not necessarily need every day like a pretty skirt or a blouse in a special colour.
But for children I like to buy classics they wear year round like navy cardigans or navy and white striped knits. Party dresses that don´t get that much wear are worth buying on sale too. Look for brands you might not necessarily buy for full prize to use only a few times, but love the style of like Marie Chantal or Bonpoint. I had my eye on a few pretty dresses from La Coqueta this year but had bought so many pretty dresses last year that we did not need any more. So instead I decided that as I know I will find something I really want from her next collection too I will wait and get something brand new next year.
While shopping online I also like to browse through the kids accessories for cute handbags, jewellery or hair accessories on sale. They make great little gifts for little celebrations like first day of school or when visiting a friend.
Osteletko paljon vaatteita alennuksesta? Hankin taas tänä vuonna lapsille muutaman hyvän klassikon aleista ja samalla usein lisään ostoskoriin perus käyttötuotteita, kuten lempimerkkini Petit Bateaun alusvaatteita ja paitoja, jotta ne tulevat samoilla postikuluilla. Hyvä idea on myös katsoa samalla jos “asusteissa” on hyvällä alennuksella söpöjä pikku laukkuja, koruja tai hiusrusetteja. Niistä saa kivoja pikku lahjoja vaikkapa kyläviemisiksi tai nimipäivälahjoiksi.

Kun tilasimme Hattaralle ja Purkalle syksyksi ja talveksi ison pinon sukkahousuja, niin ostoskoriin eksyi myös pari vaaleansinisiä lakerikenkiä Hattaran seuraavassa koossa ja erityisen edulliseen hintaan. // As we were stocking up on stockings for the Fall/ Winter season from here ( our absolute favourites that we got for both girls in grey, navy, pink and white) I added a pair of pretty baby blue lacquered shoes in my shopping basket too. These were on sale for a very good prize.

Söpöt pikku hiussoljet ilahduttavat nuoria neitosia. Vaikkapa pienenä esikoulun aloituslahjana. // A pair of cute barrettes makes an outfit. This would also be a cute gift for little girls so something to add to your basket from the sales if shopping for something else.

Tiedätkö pikkutytön joka ei rakasta pieniä laukkuja joissa kanniskella pieniä aarteita? // I know many little girls who love to carry around little treasures in little bags.

Puuvillainen raitaeule on ollut kovassa käytössä saaressa, mutta sopii hyvin myös päiväkotiin vaikkapa farkkujen tai legginsien kanssa pidettäväksi. // This striped pullover has been worn so much on the island but it will also be great for pre school with jeans or leggings.
Nyt kun alennusmyyntiostokset on tehty niin onkin sitten jo aika ihailla pikku hiljaa ilmestyviä syksyn ja talven mallistoja. Me tosiaan valmistauduimme jo tilaamalla uudet sukkahousut tulevalle kaudelle. Omat suosikkini löytyvät täältä. Tilasimme molemmille tytöille tummansiniset, vaaleanpunaiset, harmaat ja valkoiset sukkahousut. Ne ovat meillä eniten käytetyt värit. Myös uudet suloiset puuvillapipot ja hanskat olisi kiva löytää. Katselin vähän näitä tummansinisten tikkitakkien kaveriksi.
Now I feel like I´m all set to start looking for fall and winter pieces. How about you?

Yoghurt cardamon pound cake
by Sofia - in Cooking
Saaressa on melkeinpä pakollista pitää välillä pieni päiväkahvitauko. Jos ei muuten, niin muistaakseen, että on lomalla ja voi istui kahvipöytään ihan vain kesken kaiken ja nautiskella hetkestä. Kahvitauko ilman niin sanottua kahvipullaa ei kyllä ole lomalla tauko eikä mikään. Välillä kahvin kaveriksi napataan yksi keksi korkeasta lasisesta keksipurkista johon hankitaan kaupan valmiita keksejä. Mutta toisinaan, ainakin kerran viikossa, sen seuraksi pitää leipoa jotain oikein erityisen hyvää. Viime viikolla syntyi kardemumma- ja jugurttikakku josta tuli niin mehukas ja hyvä, että minun piti taas kirjoittaa resepti heti muistiin. Tänne! Joten tässä se nyt on…
A coffee break during the day is almost mandatory on the island. And to have coffee but no cake is not an option. I came up with another accidental winner recipe just last week and wanted to share it with you. My friend came over and she said she felt like having a good old cake and I had been dreaming of making a cardamon cake for some time. So a yoghurt cardamon pound cake it was. Without further ado…