The secret
by Sofia - in Random
I know some people think I am a very efficient person and always get a lot done. And it is sort of true. I do. But there is a reason how I have ended up that way. I actually don´ t spend my time constantly doing something. In fact I am a dreamer and in that a procrastinator. There, the secret is out! I most often take my time to make myself a cup of coffee just to dream a way with. I plan and I dream and I write and I procrastinate for so long that I have had to learn to do things efficiently to get them done before I have to be someplace.
It has also taught me that well planned is truly half executed. I am a list maker even if the lists are just in my head. It is actually also very good for your memory to write things down and then to memorise them. But back to dreaming. I have realised that for me it is very important to find a time to just sit still and be and think. It really seems to give my life purpose and it relaxes my mind. I hate having days so full I don´t get a moment to myself to just be. Some people hate it and they don´t get people like me. My mom for instance is very rarely just still. She is always ironing or sorting or helping someone with something or doing pottery or whatever it may be. She thinks I´m wasting my time away by drinking coffee and planning the future or cherishing the moment right there. But in the end I always do get it done and most often I do things pretty well.

Jacadi love
by Sofia - in Blog collaboration Good things for kids Shopping
We were on a lookout for a new winter coat for Bubble Gum. The girls actually fit their woollen coats and their short down jackets they use for school etc. but her long navy down coat had gotten small on her. Cotton Candy had a new one last year and hers was the perfect size now. So we had to find one for Bubble Gum! And we did find the perfect one from Jacadi! It has a fleece lining, it has a ( fake) fur lined hood and the hood has ( fake) fur around it too. It is warm and beautiful and has small golden polka dots on it. You may have seen this one on Instagram already on a few occasions. I got a lot of DM messages about it when it was featured on the stories. It was the coat of her dreams and you can tell. She wants to wear it all the time even though it´s not very cold yet. But then you can just wear something light underneath so it works out well. We also got a gorgeous outfit for school for Cotton Candy that I will share on another post.

Hyvää isänpäivää
by Sofia - in Random
Hyvää isänpäivää loistaville vanhemmille. Toiselle isyys on iltasatuja ja halauksia, toiselle purkkapussista jakamista autossa matkalla harratuksiin useampana päivänä viikossa. Isyys on läsnä hampaanpesussa ja isyys on läsnä lääkärin odotushuoneessa. Isyys on kunnioitusta toista vanhempaa kohtaan, esimerkkinä olemista. Isyys on inhimillistä erehtymistä ja virheiden myöntämistä. Isyys on rauhallista lähestymistä ongelmatilanteissa. Isyys on rajoja. Luottamista. Rakkautta. Huolenpitoa. Läsnäoloa. Hassuttelua. Tukea. Vanhemmuutta. Isät on ihan sankareita! Varsinkin sunnuntaina! Hyvää isänpäivää omalle isälle, lasteni isälle ja kaikille huippu isille ja isähahmoille!
Hyvää viikonloppua,