Saan ilokseni tehdä Jacadin kanssa yhteistyötä jo kolmannen kerran. Saimme tyttöjen kanssa valita heille asut kesäksi. Pidän yleensä Jacadilla kevät/kesä mallistosta enemmän kuin talven vaatteista ja tälläkin kertaa mallisto on niin ihana, että olisin voinut valita vaikka mitä. Lopulta nämä ihanat aarteet olivat kuitenkin mielestämme ylitse muiden. Asut hankittiin kevätjuhlat mielessä, mutta niille on toki paljon muutakin käyttöä. Hattaralle tuli mallistosta piparkakkureunaiset vaaleanpunaiset sortsit jollaiset meillä on ollut aiemminkin. Ne ovat niin kauniit! Niiden seuraksi valittiin suloinen Liberty kuvioinen toppi. Purkalle valikoitui samasta kankaasta mekko. Tämän vuoden kankaassa on todella kaunis värikombinaatio. Molemmat asut ovat mielestäni täydelliset ja myös tytöile mieluisat. He käyttävät samaa vaatekokoa joten niitä pidetään meillä myös ristiin. Laatu ja materiaalit ovat Jacadilla vuodesta toiseen erinomaiset ja hinta-laatusuhde on ollut yleisesti loistava. Itse olen sitä mieltä, että tämä mekko on kaunein mahdollinen kevätjuhlamekko ja jos osatisin vain yhden mekon kesäksi niin se olisi juuri tämä. Mekko menee hyvin myös kaupungilla tennareiden kanssa ihan arkikäytössäkin. Hiuskoristeina meillä oli vielä nämä pinnit ja nämä pampulat joita tytöt laittoivat käsikoruiksin kuviin.

Style staples
by Sofia - in Random
What are your style staples? I mean the things that you wear year in and year out. The ones you never get tired of? That make you feel comfortable and stylish the same time. The things that say ” you” and not just ” who you wish you were”. I do sometimes buy things that are very seasonal or ” in” and only wear for a while and then get bored of. But mostly I buy classics I wear all the time and those I feel most comfortable in. Here are some of my style staples. The things that really say “Sofia”.
Todd´s loafers. Prada bag. Bottega clutch. Diamond studds. Hermes watch. White button down shirt. Cashmere sweater. Hermes silk scarf. Pearls. Chanel heels. Burberry trench. Button down pyjamas. Silk blouse. High waisted pants. Tulip skirt. Little black dress. Breton stripe shirt. Blue jeans. White Superga & Converse sneakers. Navy peacoat. Woollen camel coat. A fitted leather jacket. Soft leather gloves. Cashmere loungewear. White t-shirts. Grey marl sweater. Navy Yankees cap. Cropped ” carrot shaped” pants. Blue & white striped button down shirt. A diamond tennis bracelet.
To me the material of the clothing is more important than the label. But most important is that the clothes look well taken care of. I remember my mom telling me as a child that you can tell so much about a man from his shoes. They don´t need to be new or even look new, quite the opposite. A well made pair of leather shoes will stand the test of time but they need to be well taken care of. Shined and buffed. So lint free jackets, well ironed shirts and shoes that have been kept well are the most important parts. Everyone gets wrinkled during the day and get some dirt on their shoes but you can tell the difference. And the clothes keep longer if you store them right and take good care of them.

Island awaits
by Sofia - in Random
We are so far a long to Spring now! My favourite day is today as the island is being opened. Every year there is a lot to be done before our first proper visit. As we are located all the way out to sea we have to put the pier down ( it needs to be raised during the winter or the ice will move it as the sea freezes), the ( fairly new) running water to the kitchen needs to be connected from the well, the outhouse checked and so on and so on. We literally close the whole house down for winter and open it in the Spring. This is common on the island houses, not many are liveable during the winter months. But today is the day! So very very soon we will get to head out to the island for the first time and this year I have planned on moving there right after schools have finished for the summer, the beginning of June. I very literally can not wait.
I know for some people this island living seems incomprehensible. We don´t have an indoor shower. We don´t have an indoor toilet. Our sauna does not get electricity. But these are some of the things that make living on the island so special. It is a different way of life. In the city we live right in the middle of it all with restaurants, theatres, shops,, gyms, movies, the opera, art galleries and anything we like a short walking distance from us. We have every possible commodity we need in our home from an ice-machine to heated floors all the way to a swimming pool in our building. It is a comfortable way of life but sometimes it´s also a busy and hectic one. On the island we just are. I have said it so many times but I love the way we all slow down. We listen more carefully and we seem to have more time. I feel like we are more present.
My island trip usually starts from packing our things to the post boat that takes us to the bigger island close to us where we keep our smaller boat. They serve coffee and the girls always buy some cookies to give to the captain & the crew. We usually buy pastries to enjoy on the way. This trip is about 45 minutes out. And then we jump on our Buster and drive it to the island. No matter f it´s sunny and still or windy or rainy we drive our small boat to our island. When I feel the wind on my face I always feel calm and giddy and fresh in a way. I somehow feel the peace waiting for me.