For the pinkest girls
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Already a while ago the mail brought us a precious package from La Coqueta. In it was a skirt, two pairs of the most gorgeous shoes and a big fuchsia hair bow. And a handwritten note ” For the pinkest girls I know“. It was from the lovely Celia of La Coqueta and the girls were thrilled. The quality is as good as always and the skirt has a cute lining with an understated lace trimming. Perfect. I love the cut of the skirt and especially the fabric. The colors match so well with everything. It´s bright and fun and girly. The shoes are fantastic, unfortunately the orange ballerinas are a little small for Cotton Candy so they will wait for Bubble Gums feet to grow a little ( it´s actually nice she gets a few items that are not hand me downs from her sister). I took some pictures of Bubble Gum wearing hers. We really wanted to put them on earlier but honestly the Finnish summer weather has not been on our side and it has been too cold to wear anything without stockings. Luckily the tides have turned and now we are lounging around the island in swimsuits and rash guards.

These fuchsia Mary Janes are still a bit big but Bubble Gum has insisted on wearing them a few times.
Posti toi tytöille jo jonkin aikaa sitten paketin jossa oli suloinen kukallinen puolihame, fuksianpunainen rusetti ja-nilkkaremmikengät, sekä oranssit nappa ballerinat. Paketista löytyi viesti jossa luki ” Pinkeimmille tytöille jotka tiedän”. Sen oli lähettänyt La Coquetan ihana Celia. Mikä lahja! Valitettavasti ballerinat olivat Hattaralle naftit ( niissä koko 27 oli mielestäni tosi pieni, koska muuten se on hänelle juuri oikea kengänkoko). Onneksi Purkan jalka kuitenkin kasvaa ja hän voi ottaa ne sitten käyttöönsä.
p.s. The fuchsia bow, the orange ballerinas, the Camila skirt and the fuchsia Mary Janes.
p.p.s. The skirt and shoes are now on sale!!!

Beautiful outfits! Love the bows! And colours xxx Olympia_grace
Thank you May! <3
Just ordered the same shoes a couple of weeks ago. Love La Coqueta! And yes, the bigger the bows, the better ;)!
Susanna <3
Meillekin tuli taas La Coquetasta paketti. Clara dress ja farkun väliset Mary Janet veivät niin äidin kuin tyttärenkin sydämen. Ja laatu näissä on kyllä ollut tosi hyvää.
Niina, ne on niin ihania. Katselin kanssa just niitä farkunsinisiä mokka Mary Janeja. Mutta kun meillä tuntuu olevan niin monet. Purkallakin on vissiin nyt kuusi pari pelkästään nilkkaremmikenkiä. Jaiks!