Have a love filled weekend!
by Sofia - in Cooking
What are you up to this weekend? Any romantic plans for Valentine´s Day? I´m going to take the girls to see Disney on Ice with my best childhood friend and her kids. As I told you Valentine´s is really a day for celebrating friendship here in Finland so what better way to spend it than with friends. That night we also have a ladies dinner and drinks planned and I have a breakfast date with another lovely friend in the morning so it truly will be spent with friends. But I am hoping for some romantic roses too bien sûr.
Here is some pink baking inspiration for you if you feel like it…
Pink heart shaped marshmallows

Sweet Valentine
by Sofia - in Random
Täällä ollaan varauduttu viikonlopun ystävänpäivään suloisin namuin, kortein, pienin lahjoin ja ystävänpäivä aiheisin askarteluin. ♥ ♥ ♥
Getting prepared for the weekend with some adorable Valentines candy, cards, little gifts and some valentines themed crafting. ♥ ♥ ♥

Tea and honey make me happy! Especially if the honey is in such a pretty jar and a gift from a lovely friend who knows just what you would love. So today you get just tea and honey. Hope it inspires you too!