
Like a princess

by Sofia   -   in DIY projects  Good things for kids

Miten sinun viikonloppusi sujui? Itse venäytin selkäni ja liikuin kuin vanha mummeli, mutta selkä on onneksi jo parempi. Sunnuntaina paistoin lounaalla jälkiruuaksi ison pinon crêppejä jotka tarjoiltiin Nutellan, kastanjatahnan ja tuoreiden marjojen kera. Tein kreppitaikinan ternimaitoon. En ole varma johtuiko se juuri tuosta maidosta, mutta ne olivat herkullisia. Maidon löysin Keinuhongan tilan pop up kaupasta Katajanokalta ( sieltä saa tilan tuotteita ja lihoja kerran kuussa). Ajattelimme lähteä tyttöjen kanssa tutustumaan maatilaan “päivä böndellä”-retkellä. Meillä pukeuduttiin myös jälleen kerran erilaisiin asuihin, kietouduttiin huiveihin ja leikittiin prinsessa-keiju-haltiatar-koiranpentuja ja ties mitä…

Is playing dress up a thing in your house? I bet it is! I actually don´t know a kid who does not love to dress up as different characters. In our house it varies from kittens to doctors to fairies and princesses. I have a thing for pretty dress up clothes that are not necessarily nylon or polyester and can stand a bit of time. We still have and use the Tutu Du Monde dress we ordered a few years back. It was a bit pricy but was really worth it. It´s so pretty and stands time well. And I don´t mind paying a bit extra for something someone goes throught the trouble to design and sow with their hands. If you remember I had found some cute n°74 accessories, a wand and a crown before Christmas and a Mouche hat with a veil ( available in black here). I recently found a lovely cape to match the veiled hat and Cotton Candy received a cute star wand ( also from nº74). So now these princess dress up outfits are quite complete and in my opinion very cute. Bubble Gum likes wearing a skirt so I added a peachy ribbon to the sparkly tulle dress we had and she usually prefers a basic t-shirt or so with her outfits. Dressing up for fancy dress parties does not have to be about the same princess dress everyone else has. Even if on a budget, finding a tulle dress for about 10 €  is easy and just adding some ribbon and maybe even a home made crown and wand would turn it in to a fairy princess outfit. I really like this skirt Bubble Gum´s friend wears to nursery almost daily and would add some sparkly crowns from My Little Day ( you get 8 for under 9 €). Just wear a basic white or pink t-shirt from the cupboard or your ballet leotard and you are all set for a princess party…






The very light rose colour of the tulle combined with sparkly gold on the cape was just irresistible.







In my opinion the dress up box does not have to include whole ready made sets for kids. I´m not saying it should not just that funny hats and grannies old (silk) scarfs and strings of glass pearls make for great imaginary play too. That´s what I grew up playing with. Mom´s heels and bright red lipstick and a generous spritz of Rive Gauche by YSL. I loved my grannies mink hat and other furs and I wrapped myself in mom´s Hermes scarfs and she was completely fine with it. I even remember walking around the evening dress department at a store with her and imaginary shopping perfect outfits for myself ” the fancy lady”. I was not even allowed to touch anything but enjoyed myself immensely. Sometimes it´s great to imagine being someone else. And yes, even when you are over 30 and everything is just fine.

Hyvää alkavaa viikkoa!


p.s. An old photo but one of my favourites. The girls are wearing my cashmere sweaters as evening gowns and obviously high heels. How come do they just love to put on some heels?! Cotton Candy was already doing her thing in heels at 14 months. She could actually walk in them at that age.


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8 comments on “ Like a princess „
Helen, on March 9, 2015

I can still remember as a very young child trying on all my Mother’s high heels and playing dress up in her wardrobe, something my little girl is beginning to enjoy doing! My boys love dressing up too but not so much now that they are getting a bit older. They have been firemen, spacemen, doctors, dinosaurs, Woody from Toy Story, Darth Vader, you name it! We have bought ready made Superhero costumes but have also made our own pirate costumes out of stripy tops and old cut off jeans. Sometimes it just takes a bit of imagination and an afternoon on the sewing machine if necessary, and they can pretend to be anything! Your girls’ princess outfits are just charming! Have a lovely week!

Sofia, on March 10, 2015

Thank you Helen! You too!

Ita, on March 9, 2015


Sofia, on March 10, 2015

Thank you Ita!

Laura, on March 9, 2015

Keinuhongan tila ja etenkin lifestyle-puoti Suvimarja ovat todella kivoja paikkoja. Yritän päästä aina käymään siellä, kun menen vanhempieni luokse heidän kakkoskotiinsa maalle. Suvimarjassa oli ehkä ennen hieman laajempi vaate- ja kenkävalikoima, mutta viimeksi käydessäni tilaa oli enemmän vallanneet sisustustuotteet. Ihan hyvä niinkin. Viime vuonna he järjestivät kivat pääsiäismarkkinat, mutta tästä vuodesta en tiedäkään. Toivottavasti teille tulee onnistunut “bönderetki”!

Sofia, on March 10, 2015

Laura, olen myös kuullut paljon hyvää paikasta!

Elpi, on March 11, 2015

How cute!
I just found this lovely shop with crowns on Etsy
I thought that you may like it too 🙂
Best Wishes!

Sofia, on March 16, 2015

Thanks for the link Elpi!

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