
Charming charms

by Sofia   -   in Good things for kids

If you have girls and they are anything like mine you know how “important” it is to have some jewellery. I mean important for them. ” But mummy, I need to wear a bracelet and a necklace and a ring with this outfit today for daycare!” Because who ever wore leggings and a cardigan without any accessories?! Many shops sell cute colourful wooden jewellery for kids. I love those! But I also love a bit more understated things to wear every now and then. There is this shop in Paris called Rose & Theo that I have written to you about before too. It´s one of the shops I visit every time. They have these very cute Liberty print pouches and clothes and shoes and what not but they also have super adorable very Parisian chic bracelets for little kids. Santa brought the girls new ones, with little Eiffel tower charms hanging on them and in Liberty fabric bien sur. The bracelets are not available online but if you visit Paris I recommend a peak in to this little shop. 


This adorable little Grey Rabbit music box/ jewellery box hosts some important little trinkets. We have similar jewellery boxes with different tunes and more space for little treasures too, but this one is on their night stand and for that reason holds the new ones. I bought it as a Christmas present for Bubble Gum a year ago in Paris. I used to have the exact same one as a child but in green.


Cotton Candy is now past the ” everything pink pink pink” stage so she got this one.


Bubble Gum is still very pink.


The bunny night lights are from Bonpoint but they are sold in many places. The animals are from Schleich. I remember seeing that bigger bunny lamp in Paris when Cotton Candy was still a baby. I had seen them in a few places and loved it! They had some for sale in the Bonpoint flagship store and I needed to have it so badly I carried it home to Helsinki. A year later they were everywhere and no wonder. It´s still one of the cutest lamps I know.





In this box is another Liberty bracelet from Marie Puce, a brooch from Bonpoint and the elephant bracelet Cotton Candy got for her birthday as a memory of the Elephant ride.

Are your kids in to jewellery?


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4 comments on “ Charming charms „
Eeva, on January 19, 2016

Hei pitkästä aikaa 🙂

Juuri tänään annoin A:lle syntymäpäivälahjaksi korulippaan ja helmikorvakorut hänen toivoidensa mukaisesti eli vastauksena kysymykseesi kyllä ovat <3 🙂

Terveisin, Eeva

Sofia, on January 24, 2016

Eeva, kiva kuulla sinusta täällä pitkästä aikaa! A:lle onnea!

Täti Ruskea, on January 20, 2016

Kaunis ja erilainen korurasia. Tuon tähän vähän poikamaisenkin näkökulman. Etsin nimittäin joitakin vuosia pojille sopivia korurasioita/aarrerasioita (ehkä sopivat pojille paremminkin juuri aarrerasioina). Lopulta löysin Tampereen Miraakkelista useammankin vaihtoehdon. Valitsin silloin isoille pojille (ja kummipojille) sellaisen ritariaiheisen rasian, joka on samalla soittorasia. Ballerinan sijaan siinä pyörii lohikäärme 😉 Rasioissa on ison luukun/lokeron lisäksi pienempiä laatikoita, jännittäviä salalokeroita. Pikkupojilla on pienemmät kuution malliset rasiat: yhdellä vaaleansininen Barbapapa, yhdellä eläinaiheinen rasia ja kuopuksella Sophie Giraffe. Mieheni aina sanoo, että kello on miehen koru. Ostimmekin esikoisellemme rippilahjaksi juhlakellon ja veljet antoivat hänelle kelloille tehdyn rasian. Siihen hän voi sitten “keräillä” niitä miehen koruja 🙂

Sofia, on January 24, 2016

Meillä on myös niitä hieman arkkumallisia korurasioita pyörivillä soittorasioilla Täti Ruskea, niihin mahtuu vähän paremmin koruja.

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