Baby it´s cold outside
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
I have a little sale hint for you. If you remember, I wrote about some super soft cashmere I bought for the girls last fall. They now have all the leftover stock -20 % at Youngest Fashion. The girls have been wearing those leggings and cardigans ( Bubble Gum has her sister´s old ones) a lot lately as it´s been pretty cold out here. When it was -25 °c our girls had those cashmere outfits and then their warmer winter overalls from Ver De Terre and they were actually very warm when we got home from playing outside for a while. Cotton Candy also has a pair of their merino woollen leggings to wear under her snowsuit in pre-school and has been very warm now. Bubble Gum wears yet again her sisters old merino bodysuit. Poor kid always has hand me downs. But lucky for her she has a bigger sister. I have a brother and trust me, I remember having to wear his old, boy´s long johns ( yes with the front thingie). Seriously mom! Anyway, the merino wool leggings are fantastic too. And made in Finland!

The girls wear warmer hats than these in the photo but I took this while they were in pre-school with said hats. For cold weather shoes they wear Moon Boots. Super warm and dry!
Pieni alennusmyynti vinkki! Ihanat Oscar & Valentinen kasmirit näyttivät olevan nyt -20% alennuksessa Younest Fashionissa. Niissä tarkenee pakkasellakin. Hattaralla on ollut myös käytössä lämpöhousuina päiväkotihaalarin alla Youngest Fashionin oman tuotannon merinovillaiset legginsit, eikä kuulemma palella. Materiaali on ihana! Itse tietenkin valitsisin jotkut vaaleansiniset, vaaleanpunaiset tai luonnonvalkoiset ( jälkimmäisiä itseasiassa on, mutta kokoja ei löytynyt), mutta Hattara tykkäsi itseasiassa näistä mustista itse todella paljon. Hankimme Hattaralle Le Bunellin alesta myös uuden Ver De Terren haalarin. Kovilla pakkasilla se on aivan voittamaton! Sitäpaitsi onhan se nyt niin suloisen mallinen, vaikka tiedän, että monen mielestä tuollainen ” baggy” malli on vähän hassu. Luulen, että minulla on ihan juuri kohta käsillä ikä jolloin kaikki vähänkin vauvamainen on ihan “out”, joten nyt nautin tästä hetkestä kun nämä vielä kelpaavat.
Mukavia pakkaspäiviä!
Have a great day!