Tuna casserole
by Sofia - in Cooking
Aloitetaan viikko erittäin arkisella, mutta maukkaalla reseptillä. Tämä tonnikalapasta valmistuu uunivuoassa suhteellisen helposti. Jos sinulla olisi jakaa minulle oma suosikki tonnikalapasta-reseptisi niin arvostaisin sitä. Meillä nimittäin tytöt tykkäävät tonnikalasta, mutta itse en ole siitä aiemmin valmistanut pastaruokia.
I know it may sound a bit unsavoury ( and in all honesty does not picture that well either) but it´s really quite good. My husband has a very strong dislike of canned tuna so we very rarely eat it. But my kids friend´s mom makes tuna pasta that they absolutely love. So I have decided to give it a go as even if 3 out of 4 eat the dinner I cooked I´m quite fine with that. I found a recipe on Martha Stewart that sounded easy enough and with only a few minor adjustments I think it is a recipe worth sharing. You can find the recipe here ( with a video). My little additions and changes were as follows…
I added 1 dl ( about 1/2 cup) of grated parmesan cheese and some chopped fresh dill in to the pasta & tuna mixture before crusting it and putting it in the oven. And I swopped the chicken stock for veg stock. I did not have panko on hand either so I just used regular bread crumbs ( korppujauho in Finnish). But those changes are completely up to ones taste. I sautéed the onion right in my Le Creuset pan and did the sauce in there so I skipped one more cleaning process along the way too ( yay for less dishes). And I used big whole wheat elbow macaronis ( I think these are called rigatoni) instead of those smaller ones.

Have a great weekend
by Sofia - in Random
Tulin vain toivottamaan aivan erinomaista viikonloppua!
I´m just here wishing you a really good weekend. I will be coming home from a work trip and look forward to some family time and a girls night out on Saturday.

Skinny Jeans
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
The girls are not very fond of pants or jeans really but I do love kids in them. It´s funny how my Instagram friends were admiring my kids always wearing skirts or pretty dresses as theirs only want to be in pants. And I told them that I wish mine would wear them more eagerly. So I decided to try and went to look for jeans that they might like and found these cute ones. I wanted to share them as they are super comfortable and stretchy and the model looks cute on a bit thinner legs too. It also has a rubber band in the mid section to tighten up around the waist. But most of all I really liked the happy colours they came in. Bubble Gum got the yellow ones and Cotton Candy the pretty light blue. These are not really jeans, they are called skinny twill trousers, but they look like coloured jeans to me and are very very cute with just a t-shirt and a cardigan ( those cable knits for example) or with a floral shirt or a pique shirt ( a polo).