Oh so soft!
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Nyt on käynyt niin, että tämä tekniikan ihmelapsi on onnistunut säätämään jotain tietokoneen asetuksiin ( ehkäpä?) enkä saa siirrettyä kuvia koneelle. Niinpä loput Pariisin kuvat ja muutkin blogiin kuvatut jutut odottelevat nyt pääsyään läppärille. Halusin silti jakaa nämä ihanan pehmoiset syksyksi- ja talveksi hankimamme lastenvaate uutuudet…
I´m having some technical issues getting my photos on the computer so I can´t share any of the posts I wanted to ( last Paris photos and more coming as soon as some of my electronics agree with me…).
But I wanted to still come by and say hi! I´m so extremely excited about the Fall and all the pretty foliage. I really enjoy the crisp but sunny days and the pretty colours! We have been burning candles and drinking our new caramel rooibos tea every night. In the mornings it´s already really cold when we leave to school and work. I have taken out my favourite scarfs and caps. We have updated the girls cardigans & hats for Fall & Winter too. Our favourites year after year are from Oscar & Valentine and I´ve gotten ours from Youngest Fashion. This Fall I bought this gorgeous cardigan I wish came in my size and the girls got the basic cashmere caps in dark navy and light pink. So soft! I fell in love with the hats, scarfs & mittens that have the little pom poms on them too. I wish I could justify buying multiple sets of cashmere caps and scarfs ( or afford to….)!
Keep warm and cozy!
Pysykää lämpöisinä!
p.s. All photos from Youngest Fashion as mine are pending on the camera…