
Miss Livly

by Sofia   -   in DIY projects  Good things for kids

This year when the pumpkins started to arrive at florists and grocery stores the girls nagged me to get a really big one. So I did get the biggest I could carry (with one hand as my left middle finger was in a splint after an accident at work).  I´m not against pumpkins so why not. We bought the pumpkin for 8 € and then we painted it pink with the girls with some craft paint we already had. I let it dry until the next day and then added a bow on it´s head and drew a face with a marker per Bubble Gum´s instruction ( she basically told me to draw it “a girl´s face, not a scary face”). I borrowed her facial expression from the cute Livly face they use on their hats, dresses and robes so we named the pumpkin head miss Livly. On a separate note, I visited Livly´s store in New York and it was so pretty ( and I saw the robes there that I really loved!)! Kudos for them!

But back to the pumpkin. It´s an easy and inexpensive way to turn a pumpkin in to something cute and for us the pink colour looks a lot better in the girls room than orange would. Now it sits on their dresser and sleeps ( Bubble Gum again ” but mamma, why did you draw it like that, now it´s sleeping all the time.”). But they still loved sleepy miss Livly!








Me askartelimme tyttöjen kanssa pinkin kurpitsapään. Tavallinen kaupan vihannesoaston kurpitsa sain askartelumaalia pintaansa, piirsin sille tussilla kasvot ja kiinnitimme sen päähän vielä rusetinkin. Nyt se uinuu tyttöjen lipaston päällä ainakin Halloweeniin saakka.

Have a great start for the week!

Toivon sinulle hienoa viikon alkua ja jos vietät, niin syyslomaa!


p.s. Kiitos todella hyvistä kommenteistanne viime viikolla. Vastailen teille jahka ehdin!

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4 comments on “ Miss Livly „
Jenni, on October 17, 2016


aivan super-suloinen kurpitsa tytöillä! Meidän kurpitsat syntyivät kanaverkosta, sanomalehtisuikaleista, paperiliisteristä ja akryyliväreistä. Lasten kanssa oli kyllä hauska askarrella ja näistä raaka-aineista saa aikaiseksi vaikka mitä. Oikein innostavaa viikon alkua!

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

Wow Jenni, kuulostaa hyvältä!

Helen, on October 18, 2016

Sweet idea! You could always draw open eyes on the other side of the pumpkin. That way Miss Livly could be awake in the day and sleep at night! 😉

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

What a great idea Helen!

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