Christmas 2016
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Party planning
How is your Christmas planning for this year going? Mine is very stress free so far. We have decided on a ” theme” of white and luscious green for this year so it feels quite hassle free. Lot´s of white flowers & candles and plenty of spruces mixed with eucalyptus. My only teeny little problem is that I seem to have lost all my fairy lights! Where on earth did I put them? They are usually where all my Christmas decorations are but now I only found empty boxes. The only thing I can think of is that I kept them longer last year than the rest of the decorations and then put them somewhere safe. Good planning! If I don´t find them soon I might have to buy new ones.
The organic turkey is ordered, the menu is planned, the wines are in the wine cupboard, the champagne is ready, I bought the foie gras in Paris and the girls doll house is waiting to be set up. All in all we are in good progress here. No tree yet and I´m not even sure if I´ll get a big tree or go for the table tree in an urn again as it has been so pretty ( and hassle free to get rid of after Christmas) these past years. In any case we are only bringing the tree in on the 23rd.
This weekend will be all about celebrating the good old Christmas spirit with the girls. We have a fun all girls sleepover planned at their godmothers ( also great time for daddy to unwind a bit at home alone before the ” last mile” before the actual day…). First we bake a gingerbread house, then we get dressed in our tutus and Christmas jumpers ( adults too). We will go ride an antique carrousel at a Christmas fair and have some hot apple cider or glög. Then we are having a “fancy dinner” at Kämp ( where they have a great children´s menu that is not only “kiddo food” but proper food, although we might even go for their delicious burgers, fries and milk shakes and perhaps classes of champagne for the adults as it sounds pretty glamorous to have that in tutus) then we go to my friend´s house, change to our pjs, watch a cheesy Christmas movie and the next morning we have a festive brunch before heading home. We planned it all together with the little girls and they had a say in everything. Going along with the whole tutu´s for dinner theme and all, we will do it their way! It was a ” say yes” kind of planning session. Can we bake gingerbreads? Yes! Can we ride on the carrousel? Why yes! Can we all dress up in tutus? Yes! Can we have a sleepover? Oh yes! Can we watch a movie together? Yes! Can we have pancakes for breakfast? Yes Yes Yes!
How is your Christmas looking like this year? I´m so curious! Do tell!
p.s. A little board of inspiring words to keep up the Christmas spirit!

nyt, kun Stockan kangasosastoa ei enäää ole, en mistään löydä ihania rusettinauhoja. Stockals oli hyvä valikoima. Osaatko auttaa, mistä löytyis leveitä nauhoja tyyliin tummansinisenä, vaaleanpunaisena, vaaleanharmaana?
Ai niin eli lahjanaruna käyttäisin
Moi Clara! Nappitalo Knapphuset on ehkä valikoimiltaan laajin nauhakauppa. Toivottavasti löytyisi sopivat. Itsekin tykkään pakata kunnon nauhoilla paketit…
Kiitos tuhannesti, olen ihan nauhahullu ja varsinkin leveiden eli sinne siis:). olen myös vaihtanut tyttären villaneuleissa napit helminappeihin, muuttuu neuleiden ilme hetkessä:). Ihanaa ensi vuotta ja kiitos blogistasi!