New Earrings
by Sofia - in Shopping
You are often requesting style posts. These earrings I got gifted from Gauhar Helsinki are so spot on my style they deserve a whole post just for them. When I first saw these on Gauhars Instagram I instantly fell in love. I don´t wear a lot of green but I love touches of it here and there. This shade, called milky aqua, is absolutely perfect. Very elegant, understated, but still striking. It has a hint of grey, a hint of turquoise and mixed with the matte gold they are just gorgeous. I would wear these for a party but they are also really great for everyday use. They are super light on the ears. The colour goes so well with my basic wardrobe colours; grey, white, beige, blush, pale pink, baby blue, and even with navy. They also look great paired with bright pink. I love feeling slightly more dressed up and a lot more feminine when I have hanging earrings. I fairly recently wore these on my trip to New York and got compliments from strangers at shop counters and coffee shops. So they sold themselves to me on the first try that way too. I can see myself wearing them this summer with light summer dresses but also at winter time with my grey everyday cashmere pullover. If I would have to choose one piece I love and see myself wear as much as I can from my wardrobe now, it would definitely be these beauties.
What do you think? I have a feeling these will be sold out pretty soon.
Have a pretty awesome weekend!
Nämä mielettömän upeat Gauharin korvakorut ovat tämän hetken ehdottomat suosikkini! Ne tuntuvat sopivan ihan jokaiseen asuuni ja joka kerta kun minulla on ne korvissa, joku ystävistäni ( ja Nykissä ihaa tuntemattomatkin) kehuu niitä. Eli ne eivät ole nätit vain minun itseni mielestä! Rakastan näissä kaikkea, sävyä, mattakultaa, kukka yksityiskohtaa, korun kepeyttä. Minulle ainakin ihan täydelliset korvakorut sekä kesään, että talveen. Kiitos Gauharin tytöt!
Ihanaa viikonloppua!
These earrings were a gift I got to choose for myself but every word comes from my heart. So this post is in collaboration with Gauhar Helsinki. As always I only share brands and products I actually like. Thank you Gauhar girls!