Happy thoughts
by Sofia - in DIY projects Good things for kids
Onnen aiheita viikonloppuun…
My happy thoughts from lately have been circling around being a supportive mom and also about letting my kids personalities and taste shine through. Sometimes saying yes to fun things and just letting go is great.
My girls, especially Cotton Candy love Lush so one day on holiday I took them shopping there. Amongst other things we bought some ” play dough” that doubles as soap/ shower gel. My kids love this and their other products! This will be great for when we are back home and have the bath tub in use. Cotton Candy wanted to have her birthday party at Lush but unfortunately they are renovating the space. If it´s not ready by November then maybe next year.
I found these fun stickers for the girls to give some encouragement for the start of the school year.
I am one of those mom´s who finds herself constantly using a moment as a teaching opportunity. And not always in a good way. Nag this nag that. Elbows off the table, use your knife ( or don´t use your hands!!!), make your bed, put those shoes nicely, don´t leave your things lying around, stop talking so loud ( why do my kids always seem to talk like they are in a loud concert?), stop irritating your sister, you too!… It really seems endless to me.
So I also make an effort to compliment them on smaller and bigger milestones and achievement. Thank you for bringing your dishes to the kitchen, you kept that ( birthday) secret so well, thank you for hanging the laundry with me, wow you were so lovely to your sister, you made the bed so nicely and so on and so on. These stickers can make those little efforts seem even more “rewarded” and hopefully more good comes from that. Obviously they are not necessary, but cute and fun.
Slime! Who else has been attacked by the slime graze?! We had a slime date with our friends in their house and experimented. No great recipe to share yet but I´m sure one day we will get there. Making things like this is fun though. But so messy. Argh so messy ( we already did one try at home and “ick” the mess).
Something small for the start of school. Cotton Candy got new emoji earrings and Bubble Gum a new bracelet from J Crew. If you have little girls you will know how much they love “tchotchkes” like these. Most of the time I´m the mom who says no to these but every now and then it´s nice to surprise them with little things for special occasions.
I also found some awesome iron on patches for the girls this summer from Ombrellino. They had been so well behaved I wanted to let them know they made us happy and proud so I gave them a unicorn card that said as much and then these patches. We still have not decided where to iron them.
Other happy thoughts lately were some fun activities we squeezed in to our last days before the start of school. A night swim at Allas sea pool, going to the amusement park with friends, trying out the sky wheel and then eating Colombian food from a great food truck and most of all just having spent all that time as a family and with the kids. And then going to the movies on our very last night before school to make even the last hours count was special.
Have a wonderful weekend. We are off to the island right after school and work. ♥

Yäk – slime. Niin tuttua ja ällöä. Oli minulle jokseenkin kasvattavaa löytää oma keittiö täynnä pieniä poikia tekemässä limaa. Palkitsin itseni illalla shampanjalla, kunhan keittiö oli siivottu. Todellakin slime madness on täällä, onneksi tosin jo hiipumaan päin.
Ihanaa viikonloppua 🙂
Karkki se shampis oli niin ansaittu…
me ostettiin tuota sateenkaaren väristä saippuaa, mutta tuoksuu mun nenään ihan liian voimakkalle. Askarreltiin piparimuoteilla saippuoita, mutta ehkä kokeilen seuraavaksi mikrossa sulatettavaa saippuamman näköistä saippuaa
Moi anni! Noissa Lushin tuotteissa on mun mielestä kaikissa tosi vahva tuoksu. Siellä liikkeessä en voi olla töissä kun saisin varmasti päänsäryn aika nopeasti.