Birthday mornings
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Party planning
Birthday mornings are just very important in our house. Very very important. The whispered secrets, the planning of the breakfast, the tiptoeing to the kitchen the morning of. And then for the birthday girl the waiting in bed, squeezing her eyes shut waiting to hear the first verse of ” Happy Birthday To You”. The candles, the presents the kisses and the wishes. It is full on magic for all of us involved. It is my favourite thing about birthdays or other celebrations like Mother´s Day. It makes one feel extra special on their very own day from the beginning. Bubble Gum got toast & butter and eggs dyed pink. She got hot chocolate and she got a cake ( which we ate after dinner that night).
I apologise for the poor quality of my photos. It was pitch dark in the kitchen when I took these. Never the less I still wanted to share these with you.
I actually love that size of the cake. I bought the cake tin for this reason. To be able to bake a smaller cake for little celebrations. It looks adorable in real life. More about the pink eggs & Bubble Gum´s new salt & pepper shakers later on on the blog.
Her gift dreams came true too. A magicians kit from her sister, a new back pack from us and as a bonus gift a magical ballerina snow globe.
Have a lovely day!
Ihana tunnelma välittyy näistä. Nämä ovat niitä hetkiä, joita lapset aikuisena muistelevat ja mahdollisesti omien lastensa kanssa jatkavat synttäriaamu-perinnettä. Aion ottaa tuon pinkiksi värjätyn kananmuna-idean käyttööni 🙂
Katja, ne oli tosi kivat ja helppo tehdä!