
New home

by Sofia   -   in Interior design

You asked me about the new house and to include you a little bit in on our process. We are not renovating it ourselves but have  a professional crew doing it on our behalf so I don´t have any neat renovation tricks to share but I can tell you a little about what I have planned for the house. Most likely I have to let go of a few of my dreams as there is a budget that is not endless. But luckily a house can always be added on to later on if one feels like it.

The new one will have basically the same elements as this one. Two bathrooms, a dining room, a living room and a separate kitchen. This new apartment has one extra room so in the future the girls have their own rooms. I also get to fulfil another dream of mine and get a large pantry in my kitchen with glass doors to the kitchen. It even has a large window and a place for a breakfast table. A dream come true!

In the future the girls will share a bathroom and in there, behind closing doors we also have our laundry “wall” ( instead of a separate room). My husband and I share an en suite bathroom with a bathtub and a shower that you get to from our bedroom by walking through our dressing room ( walk in closet if you may).

The building is late 1800´s and our apartment has some gorgeous old features like original doors, fishbone parquet and a green tiled Jugend style fire place that is in fact working! We will restore the apartment in the style of that era, very much so as we did on our current one. I hope it will turn out as lovely as it is in my mind. The colour scheme we will keep light and airy but with added warm touches of blue, grey and gold. That also draws from the colour schemes of that time. Obviously also from what we like. This time it looks likely we will be using a bit of wallpaper. But mostly something that looks time appropriate for that era.

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My friend was encouraging me to ” be brave” with my choices but my bravery shall lie in the fact that I will bravely stick to what I really enjoy and love which to some may look boring but to me looks classy, timeless and elegant. I love large palm leaves on other people´s walls but perhaps would not enjoy them so much on my own. My choices may seem ” quiet” but they do make me happy. I love my home to be a place where people feel serene and calm. Besides I have a bit of a thing for building small displays around the house from shells & stones, or pretty flowers in urns or antique pieces that make no sense. And I have a lot of books around the house. And we like a mixed collection of old and new pieces of art. So the calmer background choices tone that down a little.

I hope you get a bit of a feel as to where this renovation is taking us. The ” feel ” pictures are from my ” next house ” Pineterest board that I have been collecting for a long long time. On Instagram I have shared pictures with #laduréehouse  ( my girls named the house as it´s pink and looks like a Ladurée rose chocolate bar to them) and on the saved stories you can find pictures by new house.

Have a lovely day,


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2 comments on “ New home „
Niina, on November 14, 2018

Ihania suunnitelmia, kiitos jakamisesta! Meidän projektimme venyy koko ajan pidemmälle tulevaisuuteen ja koen jonkin asteista suunnittelulukkoa (tai ehkä se johtuu ideoiden paljoudesta yhdistettynä käytännön seikkoihin ja budjettiin). Lisäksi tuleva koti tulee olemaan modernimpi mitä ajattelin ja suunnitelmat ja haaveet muuttuvat siitäkin syystä. Joten nyt keskityn vaan katselemaan ihania kuvia, ehkä se oma suunnitelmakin vielä niiden myötä löytää taas lopullisempaa muotoa.

Sofia, on December 3, 2018

Niina, välillä nämä asuntoprojektit tuntuvat olevan loputtomia. Ja näissä tulee näiotä vaiheita jolloin on aivan tolkuton kiire saada asioita valittua, sitten taas työmaalla tapahtuu, mutta itsestä tuntuu ettei mitään tapahdu kun pohjatyöt ovat niin loputtomia ja sitten taas on tilanteessa, että asioita pitäisi päättää ja vähän äkkiä. Huh! Rakastan kyllä tätä asuntoprojektia ja onhan se ihana olla teemässä omaa unelmiensa kotia, mutta kyllä välillä meinaa loppua tunnit vuorokaudesta kun pitäisi lisäksi ehtiä töissä käydä, juhlia järjestellä ja sitten vielä pyörittää sitä ihan tavallista arkeakin…

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