Happy weekend
by Sofia - in Cooking DIY projects Good things for kids Party planning
Do you have something fun planned for the weekend? We are baking for a charity bake sale with the girls on Friday evening. Saturday morning we are also decorating some cupcakes. Saturday night we will get all the girls from Cotton Candy´s class for a sleepover. It´s her birthday party this year. They will decorate pizza for dinner ( just make the pizzas ahead or buy frozen and cut cute shapes of ready sliced cheese they can add on it right after it comes from the oven and get some fresh herbs too like sage, oregano and basil).We will do milk shakes with sprinkle covered rims on the glasses. And soda, because it´s a birthday party. I baked some mini bite sized cupcakes and the cutest cloud sugar cookies with little faces on them.
I found these cute invitation in Target when I was in Chicago and the sprinkle & white chocolate covered pretzels are from New York.
To make a sprinkle covered rim for a glass separate an egg. Put the egg white in one small bowl and sprinkles in another. First dip the glass in egg white and then in sprinkles. Let it dry completely. It´s a good idea to do this at least a day before the party but you can do it even earlier. Then use a straw for drinking.
There will also be pillow case decorating. We asked everyone to bring their own pillow but bought white pillow cases they can decorate with Sharpies. Everyone can write something nice for their friends on them and then they can doodle cute things too. We also bought some cute face sheet masks etc. for a spa session. Obviously a movie with popcorn and cute sweets will take place too. Cotton Candy has planned all the activities herself and we did the menu together. We also found super cute matching slippers for all the guests and the birthday girl so she will give those out as her party favour, but at the beginning of the party, so they can all match. They are pink, shimmery, furry kitten slippers so I think just what a 10 year old might get excited about. I try to do a bit of a middle road from my aesthetic and my girls aesthetic when planning these parties as it is supposed to make them happy and to make them feel good about it. So I add cute things to the mix. If it was up to me it would probably be just white and clouds and silver & gold stars. Now it reflects their taste but is also something that I think looks pretty.
The next day we will do a breakfast of American pancakes with whipped cream, fruit & berries skewers ( I will cut some of the fruit in to stars & hearts), cereal and milk, yoghurt cups, juice and chocolate milk. We´ll make it all cute and delicious. How does it sound?! I think it´s a sleepover I would like to go to if I were 10.
On Sunday we also celebrate the birthday´s of both girls with family, godparents, cousins etc. As we are having the other party end just a few hours before, I did order a ready made cake. I baked and decorated the cookies ahead & the cup cakes ( I baked them and put them in the freezer to be decorated on Saturday) as well. I will share more details and ideas for that party later on as well as pictures. But it will be just a coffee and cake kind of thing.
So my weekend is packed with baking and partying. Just the way I like it! Let me know what you are up to!
p.s. Löysin edulliset tohvelit ja tyynyliinat Tokmannilta. Keksit tein blogistakin löytyvällä ” sugar cookie” reseptillä. Kaulitsin valkoista sokerimassaa ja “leikkasin” siitä pilvet samalla muotilla kuin keksitkin. Maalasin kasvot karkkivärin ja veden sekoituksella ( koska kaikki elintarviketussini olivat kuivuneet). Pienet tähtipinnit tein pinkistä sokerimassasta ja ne sekä sokerimassa pilvet ” liimasin” keksiin tavallisella kuorrutteella ( tomusokeria ja kananmunan valkuaista). Eli leikkaa, liimaa ja askartele tyyppisiä keksejä. Samalla pilvimuotilla ja tähdellä, sekä sydämillä aion leikata valmiista juustosiivuista myös ne pitsan päälle tulevat koristeet.

Kuulostaa aivan ihananalta! Kuulostaa juurikin sellaisilta juhlilta, jotka jäävät ikuisesti päivänsankarin ja vieraiden mieliin <3 Kiitos tuosta "leikkaaliimaa"-keksiohjeesta. Tuollainen saattaisi sopia minulle ja pojille tehtäväksi. Olemme kerran järjestäneet yökyläsynttärit meidän nykyiselle 16-vuotiaalle. Oliskohan ollut juurikin kyseessä hänen 10-vuotissyntymäpäivänsä tai ehkäpä 11v. Teimme yläkerran aulaan leikkivarjosta ison teltan, jossa pojat nukkuivat patjat siskonpedin tyyliin. Illalla aulassa palveli mm.kioski, josta sai käydä "ostamassa" erilaisia herkkuja ja juotavaa. Aamupalaakin tarjoiltiin. Mukavaa juhlaviikonloppua teille! Jään odottamaan lisäkuvia. Tossut on tosi söpöt 🙂
Kiitos Tähtipoikien talossa <3