
Bath robes

by Sofia   -   in Good things for kids  Shopping

Our girls grew out of their robes so it was time to order some new ones. I love a fluffy bathrobe but as mine also use them as morning robes especially on weekends we decided on classic flannel this time. I have been waiting to order Petite Plume robes for them for a few years now. Ours have not arrived yet but I hope they will be as classic in real life as they are in pictures.

Cotton Candy chose the timeless white with navy monogramming.



Bubble Gum wanted to have the pink gingham robe with light pink monogramming. 


And I wish my girls had needed  new slippers too as these are too cute ( also available in adult sizes).


They also have amazing pyjamas, nighties, slippers and sleeping masks. They do girls, boys, infants and everything is available for adults too. They even have a maternity line. If the robes are as nice as I hope then I will be ordering some new sleepwear next.

This one might be my next pyjama…


I have shared this brand on the blog earlier but now they offer international shipping. 

I hope you have a lovely day,


p.s. I always buy robes a size or two up as they look adorable a little big and then they can grow in to them in time. Saves me from buying a new one every year.


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2 comments on “ Bath robes „
Tähtipoikien talossa, on January 22, 2020

Hyvältä näyttää! Ja kiitos tiedosta, että nykyään on mahdollista tilata myös Suomeen. Ystäväni kautta sain pojille “unimaskit” ja kovasti olen ihaillut erityisesti nappipyjamia (mun heikkous) sekä itselle että lapsille.

Katja, on January 23, 2020

Minä tilasin tytöilleni White Companylta samanlaiset ruusukuvioiset mekkoyöpaidat ja kylpytakit. Nuorempi, 3 1/2- vuotias ilmoitti ettei aio niitä päälleen laittaa, vaan pitää vanhaa jo aivan pieneksi jäänyttä kylpytakkia. No uusi kylpytakki roikkuu nyt saunan naulakossa odottamassa Neidin mielen muuttumista.

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