Sunday best
by Sofia - in Random
Who else has been in leggings more often than not lately? Yours truly at least. I decided that if my roots are now growing out I might at least try to spice up my leggings and cashmere sweater outfits with a silk scarf tied in my hair. I have plenty of pretty scarfs to make me feel better! Also my lovely head bands from Gauhar Helsinki are now making me feel like I look presentable when I´m on some FaceTime calls with friends. You know you look like you made an effort even if the effort was to put something on your head. I know it´s perhaps frivolous but we need some fun and something girly to make ourselves feel better. I don´t know if you do, but I and my girls like it. They actually asked if we could all get dressed up for Friday night dinners and now we do. They even borrowed my high heels ( which I usually don´t let them do) and it was such an uplifting moment after a week in comfy casual.

Mini Spa
by Sofia - in DIY projects Good things for kids
The girls and I have done our little spa treatments forever. It has started from the baby massage and continued their whole life. Some kids like physical touch more than others and mine have always loved to be sitting on our laps, cuddling, having us draw on their backs and so forth. Our mini spa is no different. It´s more about a lovely relaxing feeling than an actual facial.
The cutest morning robes from Petite Plume.
I like to do a whole set up with candles, special drinks ( water or tea is great) and relaxing music. And the girls do spa treatments for me too. I recently found a great face massage tutorial on the Vanderohe highlights under sculpt that my girls enjoyed ( I did a light touch version). I also do a back & head massage. My girls favourite? When they lie on their back and I sit behind their head. I put my hand under their back and slide my hands upwards from the tailbone, fingers by the spine, so that they lie very relaxed and I carry their weight. Continue all the way up to the point were the neck & head meet. The movement is from baby massage so you may know it. Try it! It makes them feel so nice and relaxed. I made a lovely little lounge area for them to chill at on our bed afterwards with their cucumber water. This like many other things does not have to take hours off your day. Just a 20 minute spa session is plenty for a child. In one hour I will be able to set up, do their ” treatments” and clean up.

Cute printables
by Sofia - in DIY projects Good things for kids
Are you trying to find something cute and fun to keep your ( smaller) kids active? Here are a few printables I found with links for you.
Riley Sheehey designed this super cute seek & find game for Dixie Design. You can find it here. There is also a colouring page you can print too.
This Tartine et Chocolat has made the cutest little village you can print and assemble. Just use a stick of glue and scissors. And if you prefer a bit more colour then colour the village with all the crayons in your box to make it bright and fun before assembly.