Carrot Cake with Peter
by Sofia - in Cooking Good things for kids Party planning
I have shared this delicious carrot cake recipe on the blog earlier. You can find it here. We actually made ours already before Easter as we needed a little pick me up cake on a Monday. It is such a great cake. Fairly easy to make and seriously delicious. This time I added more powdered sugar for the frosting as I wanted it to be stiffer so I could pipe it ( on the original recipe it sort of slides around the sides which is also a beautiful looks ( I think). The Beatrix Potter cake decorations and paper plates are so incredible cute. They are by MeriMeri and I bought mine from Popup kemut. They till have some plates left I saw. The cutest thing, not just for Easter but for all year around. I especially love things like these cake decorations as you can use them again and again. We don´t use paper plates around the house so much, but these will be so cute for summer picnics! Think little finger sandwiches, cut vegetables, individual mini pies and berries. I can´t wait!
To follow is many pictures of the cake so I hope you are ready to bake because it will get you in to the mood for it!
I hope you are all feeling well!