
For the sleepy homebody

by Sofia   -   in Shopping

Täällä Helsingissä aamu ainakin alkoi sateisena, eikä marraskuu nyt ehkä tarjoile tällä viikolla ihan parastaan kelien puolesta, joten kotona itsensä hemmottelu ja hyvin nukutut yöunet ainakin auttavat vähän jaksamaan. Itselleni marraskuu on mieluinen kuukausi muiden joukossa, mutta tiedän, että joillekin se tuottaa haasteita. Silloin omasta hyvinvoinnistaan huolehtiminen kyllä korostuu erityisesti. Ja eikös sanota, että liikunnan ja hyvän ravinnon lisäksi tärkeää olisi hyvin nukutut yöt?

I know I´m just sharing things that I love as gift guides in the hopes Santa would read my blog. But it has worked well on previous years so I´m not giving up! These would all definitely be on my list of things to wish for as I love being home and getting cozy for a good night. And I´m pretty sure you may know someone similar to me or just deviously forward these posts to the people who buy gifts for you as ” letters for santa”.


For the sleepyhead who loves to make bedtime a luxurious event I would get a Santa Maria candle for her meditation routine called Vespro or the Notte one for her bedside table. For the ultimate night time tea some Marco Polo rouge from Marriage Frères, my favourite rooibos tea, that will not keep you up all night as it´s caffeine free. The homebody is always on the lookout for a classic pj as she uses them all the time. And the best sleeping masks ever come from Holistic Silk. The lavender scent is divine and the silk on your skin even more so. Bonus, it´s anti ageing! And your homebody will need a lovely luxurious robe to glide around the house in. I think this one looks pretty timeless but the price point is… well on point.

Hope you found this gift guide useful. More to come!


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