Spring colours on the first of March
by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
Oi ihana kevät joka saapui ryminällä viikonloppuna muistuttelemaan olemassaolostaan. Vaikka vielä pakastuisikin niin saimme ihanan muistutuksen siitä, että kesäkin vielä saapuu! Ja tämän kaiken ihanuuden lisäksi kevään värit ovat saapuneet kauppoihin ja kaunit keväiset kukat ilahduttamaan meitä. Kuka muu aikoo hankkia narsisseja pikimmiten piristykseksi nyt kun siirryimme maaliskuuhun?
Who else has noticed all the pretty pastels arriving to the stores. Spring is officially here and the Spring/ Summer collections are coming out. This year I have seen the powdery and clean pinks and baby blues with some light lime green and some lovely pale yellow. Also lilac is still going strong. So basically if you love pastels in all the hues you will be pleased. From Bonpoint to H&M. I just had to get this skirt for the girls. The cut is gorgeous and the fabric is spot on for us. Very late 80´s early 90´s. So it hits just the spot for me with nostalgia. I´m pretty sure I had something very similar from Cacharel as a kid. it would be cute with just a basic t-shirt and some sandals or espadrilles or even white sneakers.
I hope you have the greatest week ahead! And if you need a little place to rent in central Helsinki let me know! My first apartment is available for rent from the beginning of April. It´s really cute!
Upeaa viikkoa ja valoisaa kevättä!