

by Sofia   -   in Interior design  Party planning

Viikonloppuna amor ammuskeli nuoliaan rakastavaisten ja ystävysten joukossa ja saimme ihailla hänen tekojensa seurauksia rusoposkin. Meillä syötiin aamupalaa koko perheen kesken pöydän ääressä ja suloiset roosan sävyt sekä jopa muutamat paketit löysivät tiensä kattaukseen. Lähes kaikki pöydässä oli vanhaa, joko perittyä, vintage- tai antiikkikaupasta hankittua. Mikä sen ihanampaa kuin löytää jotain aivan erityistä jota ei ole kenelläkään muulla.

As Amor worked his magic on Sunday we admired his efforts with blushed cheeks. I set the breakfast table with my pretty antique and vintage finds and we enjoyed a moment together sharing little gifts, some a bit bigger but practical. Mr Espresso cooked us dinner and we ended the week on a relaxing note taking hot bubble baths. Soaking in some magnesium salts and reading my favourite Mrs. Dalloway always gets me in a good mood. I recently purchased a little round marble table that we set next to the bath tub. A special place for a book and a cup of tea. I will share it one day, hopefully soon as it is on my list of happy thoughts to be sure. Mrs Dalloway will soon have to move over though as my darling husband had paid attention and gotten me the wonderful pink Four Corners Publishing´s illustrated Vanity Fair I have lusted over here on the blog. Although it is much too pretty to read in the bath. And too heavy too.

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To start your day on a beautiful note, here are some lovely words from the incredible pen or typewriter of Virginia Woolf;

” She was one of those obscure mouse-like little women who admire big men. She was almost negligible. Then suddenly she would say something quite unexpected- something sharp. She had the relics of the grand manner, perhaps… And so they lived, with their linen cupboards and their old masters and their pillow-cases fringed with real lace…”

Or one of my favourites…

” And then, opening her eyes, how fresh, like frilled linen clean from the laundry laid in wicker trays, the roses looked; and dark and prim the red carnations, holding their heads up; and all the sweet peas spreading in their bowls, tinged violet, snow white, pale – as if it were the evening and girls in muslin frocks came out to pick sweet peas and roses after the superb summer´s day… it was the moment between six and seven when every flower… glows… every flower seems to burn by itself, softly, purely in the misty beds; and how she loved the grey white moths spinning in and out, over the cherry pie, over the evening primroses!”


Toivon sinulle suloista viikkoa! Tuokoon se tullessaan kaikkea kaunista ja hurmaavaa!


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2 comments on “ Valentine „
Ita, on February 17, 2021

So cozy! So pretty!

Sofia, on February 28, 2021

Thank you Ita!

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