Mayo and friends
by Sofia - in Cooking
Last week I promised to share a few simple and easy recipes that come together in mere minutes but elevate a simple dish to a whole new level. They are very classic basic mayonnaise based sauces or condiments.
Marie Rose
1 dl mayonnaise
1 tsps Worchester sauce
1 tbls ketchup
The Marie Rose is a classic sauce you may know from shrimp cocktails. Some add whisky to it too and you can play with things like lemon rind or lemon juice. But I like the basic Marie Rose. It´s not just good with shrimp. You can try it with chicken, fish fingers or as dipping sauce for basically anything.

Favourite cookbooks
by Sofia - in Cooking
Since I can remember I have always loved cooking. As a child I started like everyone else by washing the veg, scrubbing potatoes the making salad dressings, helping to bake and on the side observing what my dad or my grandma was doing in the kitchen. My mom taught me how to set the table nicely and properly, how to iron the napkins and table cloths. Basic life skills we all learn from home. Then when I was older I started cooking whole meals. I loved cooking and baking and coming up with different ideas. I started putting things together myself, not always following the recipes. One year, I think I was about 14 or 15, I baked my mom a mothers day cake. She loves a simple strawberry & cream cake. But I wanted to make one with the glaze on top of the strawberries. I looked at all the option at the supermarket and found glazing sugar that jellify´s. Then I came up with my own filling, I already knew how to make a sponge cake and it turned out as nice as one from a bakery. I even surprised myself. I cooked for friends already in high school. My brother and I did not throw parties when our parents were out of town. We invited a few friends over and hosted dinner parties ( yes with wine, we were not that goodie two shoes, and the dinners ended up in hot shots that were quite the rage at 1996). We planned the menus together and cooked together.

Carrot Cake with Peter
by Sofia - in Cooking Good things for kids Party planning
I have shared this delicious carrot cake recipe on the blog earlier. You can find it here. We actually made ours already before Easter as we needed a little pick me up cake on a Monday. It is such a great cake. Fairly easy to make and seriously delicious. This time I added more powdered sugar for the frosting as I wanted it to be stiffer so I could pipe it ( on the original recipe it sort of slides around the sides which is also a beautiful looks ( I think). The Beatrix Potter cake decorations and paper plates are so incredible cute. They are by MeriMeri and I bought mine from Popup kemut. They till have some plates left I saw. The cutest thing, not just for Easter but for all year around. I especially love things like these cake decorations as you can use them again and again. We don´t use paper plates around the house so much, but these will be so cute for summer picnics! Think little finger sandwiches, cut vegetables, individual mini pies and berries. I can´t wait!
To follow is many pictures of the cake so I hope you are ready to bake because it will get you in to the mood for it!