Pumpkin and sage risotto
by Sofia - in Cooking
I have shared my basic risotto recipe earlier in Finnish here on the blog and it´s one of my “signature dishes” that a lot of our friends request when they come over for dinner. But at this time of the year it´s nice to add some pumpkin ( I can´t seem to get enough of them lately in any shape or form) so here is an updated version of my recipe. This time I´m sharing it in English, especially for the sake of a good friend of mine who called me one friday a little panicked and asked me if risotto is actually supposed to look and taste like rice porridge ( it isn´t really ). Try this recipe next time…
Pumpkin and sage risotto
1 l of chicken or vegetable stock ( I use veg but the choice is yours)
5 dl arborio or carnaroli rice
1-2 dl white wine ( I often use riesling as I think it seems to go so well with the dish and you can drink the rest with the meal)
1 leek chopped
some pumpkin or butternut squash diced ( about 2 handfuls)
2 tbls lemon juice
1 dl parmesan
1/2 dl fresh basil and 1/2 dl fresh sage
2 tbls honey
black pepper
2 tbls olive oil
1. Make the stock and add the wine in it. Keep it warm on the stove.
2. Heat the olive oil in a large pan or casserole. Add the rice and leeks and sautée for a few minutes. Add the diced squash and some stock little by little.
3. Keep adding the stock while you keep heat medium low ( simmering). Keep stirring and adding stock for maybe about 30 minutes. When your risotto starts to form a nice consistency, a little al dente add the lemon juice, parmesan and honey. Stir in the herbs and season with black pepper. I like to add some honey to cut down the acidity of the wine and lemon but it´s optional, butter is a good option too or maybe a bit of both. Serve with some extra parmesan grated on the top.
For the amount of pumpkin or squash I used about 1/4 of the one showing in the picture. The rest I steamed soft and puréed and it´s now waiting in two bags in my freezer for a pumpkin pie and for some home made butternut squash and browned butter & sage ravioli.

I meant to put a nice (pretty) portion on a plate and take a photo and I did with my phone but then we just started eating and I forgot all about it. So this poor photo is all you get of the finished product.
Tällä kertaa risotto reseptini englanniksi. Löydät suomenkielisen ohjeen täältä. Lisäsin risottoon heti alkuvaiheessa kuutioitua voikurpitsaa pari kourallista ja basilikan lisäksi loppuvaiheessa myös salviaa. Tämä ei ole viimeinen kurpitsa-aiheinen blogikirjoitukseni tässä lähiaikoina, nimittäin huomenna on luvassa omasta mielestäni ihan erityisen kiva postaus tästä aiheesta. Jostain syystä kurpitsat valtaavat alaa ajatuksiltani aina tässä vaiheessa vuotta.
Bon app!

Will definitely try this! I like the pumpkin addition. 😉
It is so good :D!