

by Sofia   -   in Good things for kids

We had the best time in London! We were staying in Wimbledon so we only made it to the centre on Saturday and with two girls and a baby boy the day went by much too fast and we did not have time to do that many things.  But we are definitely planning a longer stay in the future and then I will book some musical tickets ( I heard that at least Mathilda, The Lion King and Charlie and the chocolate factory are worth seeing) and make sure we see at least one museum and go to a lovely park to play ( the princess Diana memorial park got many recommendations).  This time we only had time for a few activities but we did try the places my friend suggested for us and really liked them. So we had brunch at the Wolseley and huge huge ice-cream portions at the Parlour at Fortnum & Mason ( and did a bit of shopping there too for our upcoming tea party). And we visited the toy department of Harrods per many of your suggestions and the girls got to choose a book and a little plush toy too. Bubble Gum bought the cutest little Snow Dog ( from the cartoon movie The Snowman and the Snowdog that she adores) and after your kind suggestions for my Christmas present post I let Cotton Candy choose a Disney character that she is loving so much at the moment, a Palace Pet called Berry ( it´s a small blue bunny). So the girls were thrilled for their new little pets. Most of the time we took things easy and hung out in Wimbledon Village which was charming and the girls played with my friends baby and dog to no end. They are now missing both so much and Cotton Candy who was a bit afraid of dogs was so proud to notice that on her way to daycare she no longer feared passing a dog with her scoot. All in all it was a great trip and the short flights from Helsinki were more than manageable with the girls. I remember thinking my friend was nuts when she went to New York on holiday alone with her two girls last year ( when they were 4 and 6) but now I start to see it´s easy to travel with kids when they are that much older and walk everywhere. I´m sharing a few photos too if you´d like to see, but they are mostly taken with my phone. Hope you don´t mind the poor quality…


We passed the flights by reading and playing games and snacking a bit too. And sleeping as we had to wake up really early to get there first thing in the morning.The shirts and red shorts are from Sal & Pimenta and very comfy.


It´s always fun to buy groceries at a local shop as everything is so different to home. Bayley & Sage was fantastic. The girls found some cute books at Harrods and some biscuits to take home and cotton Candy who has hoped for a watch finally got one as I found a very cute kids version at the Cath Kidston store at the airport ( and I ended up buying one for Bubble Gum too as she was feeling very left out and was sure she would learn to tell time very soon).


We stayed in a beautiful guest room and enjoyed some sunshine first thing in the morning. Soon morning sun will come to Finland too.



At the Wolseley and many other places too they brought pens and colouring pages for the kids immediately after seating us. We enjoyed some bubbles with our brunch and it was lovely!


At the Parlour they had a separate menu for tots and I honestly thought the ice-cream portions would be kids sized and apparently they were smaller than grown up versions but never the less they were huge. Cotton Candy had the Hansel & Gretel which was a whole gingerbread house filled with strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice-cream and topped off with whipped cream and candy. Impossible to finish ( all though our waitress said many kids manage the portions easily!). I suggest sharing portion for at least two kids. Bubble Gum´s classic banana split was really big too. They served the cappuccino with a miniature ice-cream cone so that covered our sweet tooth. The decor was lovely with pink, yellow and turquoise and plenty of sweets around. Definitely worth going to!

Ihana, mutta ihan liian lyhyt Lontoon reissu on nyt siis takanapäin. Toivottavasti matka suuntaa sinne päin taas pian uudestaan. Odotan innolla, että ehtisimme viedä tytöt katsomaan jonkun ihanista lasten musikaaleista, pääsisimme vähintään yhteen kehutuista museoista ja ehtisimme vähän käveleskellä ja leikkiä myös puistoissa, sekä katsoa pari nähtävyyttäkin. Enkä panisi pahakseni shoppailupäivää ilman pikkutyttöjäkään. Yllä kuitenkin muutama kuva reissustamme. Suurin osa näistä on puhelimella nappaistu, joten pahoittelut taas kuvien heikommasta laadusta. Järkkäriä ei kehtaa ihan joka välissä kaivaa esille kun yrittää nopeasti ja huomaamattomasti ottaa kuvia vaikkapa jätskiannoksista.

Mukavaa tiistaita!

Have a great day!


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8 comments on “ Londoners „
Heidi, on January 20, 2015

Ihana matka teillä! Tuli minullekin muistoja mieleen au-pair ajoista Wimbledonista ja päiväkävelyistä nimenomaan Wimbledon Villagessa, niin kaunis ja tunnelmallinen paikka. Kiitos postauksesta!

Sofia, on January 20, 2015

Kiitos Heidi! Ja tykkäsin tosi paljon Wimbledonista, siellä oli ihana tunnelma.

Ida, on January 20, 2015

Mitä nuo toiseksi alimmassa kuvakollaasissa ylhäällä olevat hauskan näköiset “tortut” ovat? 😀

Sofia, on January 20, 2015

Ida siinä on eggs Benedict.

Katja, on January 20, 2015

Lontoo-hulluun upposi täysillä tämä postaus 🙂 Täytyy laittaa tuo Fortnum & Masonin Parlour “korvan taakse”, vaikutti täydelliseltä.
Mä ostin tuon saman kirjan “Katie in London” Lontoosta lapselleni tuliaisiksi ja nyt hän haluaa Lontooseen, koska luulee, että siellä on lentäviä patsaita 😉
Wimbledon on ihanaa rauhallista aluetta, siellä on monet kivat päivät vietetty. Olenkin ajatellut, että siellä voisi yöpyä jos koko perheen kesken Lontooseen matkustetaan.

Sofia, on January 20, 2015

Katja, se on niin söpö kirja! Pidin myös Wimbledon Villagesta tosi paljon ja luulepa, että jos menemme ensi kerralla vähän pidemmäksi aikaa niin metsästämme sieltä jonkun kivan B & B paikan, niin ei tarvitse ystäviä vaivata ja asustella heidän luonaan.

Helen, on January 20, 2015

Wow! The ice cream parlour will definitely be on our list of places to visit. Looks like you had a wonderful visit.
P.s Where did you get the girls eye masks from on the flight? They look like Liberty but wondered if you had them made. Great idea. I will also remember yor other great idea about keeping a small bag for coats etc. next time we are flying anywhere x

Sofia, on January 20, 2015

It´s actually my mask Helen. I bought it at Liberty about a year ago. Kashmir on the other side and Liberty print on the other. It´s this one, but seems to be currently out of stock.

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