Hauskaa Vappua!!!
by Sofia - in Random
Hauskaa vappua ihanuudet! Saavuin eilen illalla ihanasta Pariisista ja palaan sitten ensi viikolla keväisten tunnelmien kanssa, mutta nyt vain pikaiset vapun toivotukset muutaman linkin kera! Toivottavasti seuraavat päiväsi ovat täynnä simaa, tippaleipiä tai vaikkapa suloisia pikkumunkkeja. Serpentiiniä ja ilmapalloja unohtamatta!
Tippaleipä on Amerikassa tivoliruokaa. Näin syntyy “Funnel Cake”.
Millaisista ilmapalloista teillä pidetään? Jos saisin päättää perheen vappupallot niin meille tulisi vain isot kumipallot. Todennäköisesti tytöt valitsevat vapputorilta foliopallot.
Jos olet leipomassa kakkua vapuksi, niin tässä olisi hauska idea koristeluiksi. Itse tein kerran tällaisen baby showereihin ja siitä tuli mielestäni hieno ( ja kakku on helppo toteuttaa lähikaupan vesi-ilmapalloja täyttämällä ja vaikkapa pilleihin kiinnittämällä). Varmasti vappu piknikin näyttävin jälkkäri.
Jos et ole siman ystävä niin tässä olisi lemonade-resepti.

Healthy girl
by Sofia - in Random
Many of you were hoping for more posts about a healthy lifestyle and how to feel balanced inside and out. I believe this is a very important subject. But I also happen to believe we all work in a very different way and what works for one diet or workout vice may be all wrong for the other person. What I would love to think is that by listening to ourselves more we would really see what we need in life. More hours spent running in the sun or perhaps a book and a quiet room. As I have said before I´m not really on any specific diet. I love food but I hate that it´s such an “issue” nowadays and as such I would love to leave it out of the blog. I don´t want you to come here and think, great just another person telling me how to eat and feel all worried about that dessert you had at lunch. But I do feel I need to make clear that we don´t feed our kids sugar every day or eat that way ourselves either. When we went to a friends party someone assumed that my kids get treats everyday as I´m often sharing pictures of things I baked. They do on occasion but not daily. We stick to a healthier diet but not by choice for being “skinnier” but because it actually makes us feel better. By healthy I don´t mean vegan or raw but just regular home made unprocessed partly organic and as much as possible domestic food. My kids don´t drink milk or juice with their meals, we stick to water. We try to do active things as a family too but sometimes we do “couch potato” and watch a movie with popcorn. I would like to think balanced is a good word. I´m not one to say no to a fresh croissant for breakfast but on a regular day it´s more likely a smoothie ( and yes I do add some silly superfood in them too like spirulina). Having said all that I´m not at all opposed to sharing my favourite healthier recipes too! And I have some awesome snack suggestions as well to keep you going through the day.

Sharing with the babies
by Sofia - in Good things for kids
Well mine are not really babies anymore but they still use quite a lot of baby products on their skin. Do you share “beauty products” with your kids? I think it´s so brilliant. There are a few things I borrow from them from time to time like the Sophie La Girafe face cream ( my kids don’t have dry skin like I do so they rarely need any lotions) and then there are the products I sneak from them all the time like the baby oil. It´s one of my favourite products. I put it in my bath and it makes my skin baby soft. Also very good for eye make up removal. We have booked a little holiday on the beach in May and I was thinking how handy it is to pack for the vacation when we can share the product in the beauty bag. Just one body wash, one sunscreen for the face ( I don´t use 50 on my whole body as it´s kind of sticky and the girls will be covered in rash guards) and we can share face cream and perfume too. I love the Bonpoint scent and we are on to our second bottle with the girls. It´s so fresh and light yet very classy it´s absolutely perfect for a beach trip. That Madara oat and camomile gentle wash is lovely in the shower and delicate for the skin too and I´m absolutely obsessed about the cold cream my brother brought for the girls from a skiing trip to the Alps. It really makes the skin feel like velvet. I´m not necessarily taking all of these for the trip. In fact I have the Sophie La Girafe travel pack for that but we do share these products with the girls. And the one thing the girls borrow from me? That Deep Sleep Pillow Spray from This Works. They spray it on their pillows before bed time. They also have a baby version of it if you prefer to borrow from your kids rather than vice versa.