
A Mothers Day craft

by Sofia   -   in DIY projects  Good things for kids

On Saturday mornings when mr. Espresso likes to sleep in a little we often fill the dining room table with our craft things. Glitter, scissors, glue, pretty silk paper, stickers, pencils and so much more. Cotton Candy is our craft pro and she is usually the one to come up with an idea ( she seriously made me do decoupage with her!). There is also a children´s tv show ( Neppajymykerho) where they publish ideas for crafts and she is always thrilled to try a new project. This time she wanted to make paper flowers from cup cake liners and I thought it would be the perfect craft for Mothers Day. We took it a little further and made stems for the flowers from pretty paper straws and made a whole bouquet. These are easy to make. A 5 year old can do these without help ( better than mommy in our family) but a 3 year old needs assistance with scissors and assembly. But if you only use glue and stickers like Bubble Gum did then it works well for the little ones too. But these are fun to do with kids and I like the whole idea of crafting being a project we can all do together. I think this colourful bunch of flowers was pretty and I would sure be happy to wake up on mothers day to one of these. It´s also a great craft to make for grandparents.

For the flowers you will need:

scissors, glue, cupcake liners, paper straws

optional are glitter, stickers, confetti etc.

For the flower pot you will need:

a papercup or similar

something to stick the straw stems to ( I used the “oasis sponge” used for flower arrangements)







This silver and pink flower is by a 3 year old.




I think this craft needs no real explanation, you can see pretty well from the flowers how they are made. You can either cut the cupcake liners or use them as whole. We used a few different sizes. You glue them together and can add confetti, glitter, stickers or craft pearls, anything really to decorate them. We then glued the flowers to the stems. Some were a bit heavier so we used some masking tape to give it extra support in the backside of the flowers. I then cut a piece of the flower sponge with a round cookie cutter a bit smaller than my paper cup but you can use anything you have on hand for assembleyin the flowers to the “pot”.DSC_0124









Which ones do you think I will tick for my mom?


Tämä simppeli askartelu sopii mielestäni erityisen hyvin äitienpäivälahjaksi tai kukka-allergiasta kärsivälle! Käytimme paperipillejä ja kuppikakkupapereita, sekä vähän kimalletta , confettia ja tarroja näiden valmistukseen. Kukat “istutettiin” paperimukin pohjalla olevaan oasis-sieneen, siis sellaiseen jota käytetään oikeisiin kukka-astelmiin, mutta voit tökkiä kukat vaikka styroksin palaan tai muovailuvahaan tai vastaavaan. Toki kukkia voi antaa ihan sellaisenaankin tai sitoa kimpuksi vaikkapa kauniilla silkkinauhalla. Tämä askartelu oli viisivuotiaalle jo ihan itse toteutettava, kolmevuotias tarvitsi vielä apua.

As said an easy and fun project and I think pretty too. Great for a friend with a flower allergy too! And you don´t need to make a bouquet, I think one pretty flower will be enough to make someone happy. But be warned. Once you start you can not stop after just one…


p.s. If you have older kids you could try to make this pretty bouquet of peonies from cupcake liners.

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6 comments on “ A Mothers Day craft „
Jonna, on May 6, 2015

Kiitos hauskasta ja käyttökelpoisesta vinkistä. Noita tehdään:) Liikenisikö sinulta äitienpäivälahjaideoita isoäideille (ja ajanpuutteen vuoksi ihan ostamalla hankittavia)? …siis näiden ihanien kukkien lisäksi.

Laura, on May 6, 2015

Ihania!! ❤❤❤ Kiitos vinkistä Sofia!

Angela, on May 6, 2015

How cute! Love this idea!

Helen, on May 7, 2015

Such a clever idea. So simple for little ones but really effective! Love it!

Ita, on May 8, 2015

Totally trying this out! Adorable

Sofia, on May 15, 2015

Thank you all so much!!! It really was such an easy and fun craft!

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