
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

Happy thoughts have not frequented the blog for a while but they are still my personal favourites. And it does not mean that I have not had any happy thoughts lately. I have. I´m still on my summer holiday and I have enjoyed some time during the days just being alone at home. I love to just do random things like watching a movie in the middle of the day or drinking way too much coffee and reading on my bed. Or staying in my pj´s until mid day just because I can ( gasp). Oh and going for a run and then taking a long bath with candles and all just smack middle of the day. You know the kind of stuff you sometimes wish you could do but instead you are at the office.

It is also nice to be able to get your kids home early and pick up some friends for a playdate at the same time. One of my best friend´s daughters are the same age as my girls and they are actually in the same nursery and pre-school too and happen to be great friends too. It is one of those things I love about life. When you and your friends have kids you think they will automatically be good friends but we all know that is not always the case. So when it happens it´s awesome for lack of a better word. This week we picked up our girls together after having mid morning smoothies first. She took the younger girls with her and I took the older ones to our house. Cotton Candy was in charge of her guest and got to plan what she wanted to do with her. They wanted to make those little cardboard boxes so I let them. Other than getting the craft supplies I just gave them the afternoon snack and let them be on their own. They loved it!








Meanwhile I was enjoying some magazines and just let them play on their own. And reading this new book I ordered from Amazon a while back. I was in the middle of another book then so I lent it to my mom first and just got it back. And never mind the Winnie The Pooh mug. I sometimes just crab the first thing that comes in hand from the cupboard. This belongs to the girls…



We actually found a little pop up shop for a company called pop up kemut that sells party supplies. So I went in with the girls and Cotton Candy got to choose some plates and such for their date and new stickers and some confetti to use for the boxes. The paper plates meant they even got to do the clean up after their snack all on their own! So handy.




I have also been trying out some new skincare products. My mom got me this pink Lierac hydragenist serum as apparently everyone uses it in France and I was sent this Lumous one through the blog. Mia Höytö is a Finnish brand that makes organic skin care products. I love her packaging and the names of her products. Lumous means enchantment. But I want to finish off the other one first so have not tried this yet. I hope my skin looks radiant after these!




My happy thoughts also include a little baking project I finally have planned with the girls tonight. You get to see that next week if it works out. We are also going to the movies over the weekend to see Inside Out that is finally dubbed to Finnish so the girls can enjoy it too. Oh and we have some wonderful friends coming over for dinner too. That is always fun! We are cooking a casual meal ( probably pizza or pasta) and just kicking back. 

Have a really fabulous weekend!

Yllä hieman tämän hetkisiä onnen aiheita joihin kuuluu mm. tänään tiedossa oleva pieni leivontaprojekti. Jos se onnistuu niin siitä ensi viikolla blogissa lisää!

Ihanaa viikonloppua!


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4 comments on “ Happy thoughts „
Täti Ruskea, on September 7, 2015

Nuo omat hetkesi kuulostivat ihanilta! Itse olen huomannut, miten pienikin hetki aivan yksin kotona saa ihmeitä aikaan. Isossa perheessä on jatkuvasti hälinää ja hulinaa, joten pelkkä hetken hiljaisuus saa akut latautumaan. Kunhan vauva vielä vähän kasvaa, pyydän miesväeltä saada olla ihan yksin kotona kokonaisen päivän 😉 Tuo ystävien lasten (ja vieläpä monikossa) kuulostaa ihan huipulta! Ja kuten sanoit, ei mikään itsestäänselvyys. Nautinnollisia syyspäiviä jatkossakin! Meille on tiedossa pieni irtiotto arjen kuvioista, kun lähden käymään muutamaksi päiväksi pikkupoikien kanssa Helsingissä. Nyt vaan pitäisi miettiä sopivat suunnitelmat, että olisi lapsille jotain ja äidille jotain, sopivassa suhteessa 😉

Sofia, on September 9, 2015

Hyvää Helsingin reissua Täti Ruskea!

Ita, on September 7, 2015

Beautifully said. Thanks for sharing

Sofia, on September 9, 2015

Thank you Ita!

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