
Weekend of fun

by Sofia   -   in Random

You know those weekends when you have nothing planned. They are often the ones that end up being the best. Friday was “cleaning lady” -day in our house so I took the opportunity to organise the girls room while she washed the apartment. The rest of the house usually stays quite orderly but even if we clear out the girl´s room every night things always end up in wrong places and especially as Bubble Gum loves to fill different kinds of bags with a little bit of this and a little bit of that it´s always nice to have it all in it´s right place. There is just something very satisfying in having an orderly house. On Friday night we made a really nice dinner, lit up the candles and opened a bottle of wine. The girls were helping me in the kitchen, baking bread for dinner. They made bunny and teddy shaped bread rolls. We put fresh flowers in every room, even the girls room.

Saturday morning after sleeping long we made a leisurely breakfast of French toast and strawberries. The girls wanted to organise a tea party in their room but as the table there is teeny we ended up with a picnic on the nursery floor. More about that later. Then we went to the playground and to pick up some pretty Fall leaves for some crafting.  The weather was fabulous. There was also an exhibition in Gallery Huuto that I wanted the girls to see as it was called Little Girls ( tyttö lapsia). We loved it. I have noticed that children are so interested in seeing pictures and paintings of their peers. There was also time for a cupcake bath bomb bubble bath. The girls got to decide on dinner so we made burgers ( with optional truffle mayo), parmesan & rosemary fries and decadent chocolate-vanilla milkshakes. I used molten chocolate and artisan vanilla ice-cream.

Sunday was a movie day for us. We went to see a new Finnish movie Onnelin ja Annelin talvi. The girls love the previous movie we have on apple tv. It was actually Cotton Candy´s first movie theatre experience ever. So we wanted to see this one right away. It had it´s opening night on Friday. It was great and I highly recommend it! Then Bubble Gum attended a nursery friend´s birthday party with her daddy while Cotton Candy and I stayed home playing games and building puzzles. All in all it was a fantastic weekend of just hanging out!


Have a good start for the week!


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