by Sofia - in Good things for kids Shopping
I love Valentine´s day! I love all the red and pink and hearts and smooches! I just do! So I looked around online and came across some cute clothing for kids with a suitable style for sweet valentine´s. Can you guess which ones my girls will be getting?

A super hyper extra sweet lollipop t-shirt, a cotton cardigan with sequin hearts and kissy lips and a heart pullover for the child you love.

A swan embellished t-shirt, a neon heart dress and a pink tulle dress with hearts.

Who does not want to see the world through heart shaped glasses? And a little glitter is just what a girl needs… on her sneakers and her head band.

If all the pink is just a bit too much then maybe a red stripy shirt with golden hearts on it, a peplum shirt… maybe matching ones for BFF´s or a navy and white striped shirt with a bit more understated heart embellishment.

So much harder to find Valentine´s inspired things for boys but J.Crew delivers.
Suloisia asuja ystävänpäivän tunnelmiin sopivaksi. Arvaatko minkä näistä tilasin tytöille?
What do you think? A little tacky never hurt nobody right?! ( double negative intended)
Have a lovely day ♥!

Teille tulee noi Gapin paidat? Meillä on noi panta ja tänään vielä pitäisi jotain etsiä 🙂
Annika, tilasin nuo söpöt H&M neuletakit :). Kävin kyllä siellä Gapissä katsomassa niitä harmaita fleece legginsejä/ verkkareita, mutta en huomannut että olis ollut isompien koossa samoja kuin teillä :(. Silloin bongasin nämä paidat ;).