
J. Crew for me too

by Sofia   -   in Random

Mikään ei ole niin ihanaa kuin löytää joku täydellinen aarre ilahduttamaan vaatekaappia, mutta välillä täytyy myös keskittyä hankkimaan vaateita joita tulee käytettyä arjessa. Perus vaatteita etsiessäni olen kääntynyt usein J.Crew merkin puoleen koska heillä on laaja mallisto muodikkaammista asuista ajattomiin klassikoihin, olen kokenut laadun hyväksi ja kaiken lisäksi J.Crew valmistaa useita vaatteistaan myös erityisellä mitoituksella pitkille tai pienikokoisille. Kun valitsen perusvaatteita, mietin usein minkä kanssa ne aion yhdistää jo olemassa oleviin asusteisiin ja vaatekappaleisiin. Jos näen uuden vaatteen täydentämässä vanhoja niin, että sen voi yhdistää moneen asiaan kaapissani on se mielestäni ostamisen arvoinen.

I love to shop for something very special when I see it but the truth is that we sometimes need to also buy things we actually use on daily bases.  For me those items are very basic things like for most of us, like blue jeans and breton stripe shirts, cashmere jumpers and cardigans, button down shirts and silk tops. And skirts! I love to wear skirt more than pants as I like the feminine feeling it gives me. I already loved skirts as a little girl. For those very basics I love J. Crew! They have the kind of clothes that appeal to me, timeless and most often made with natural fabrics. Their quality is good too and most of the items are affordable. They do have very fashionable items too for those in need but I turn to them for my basics.

When shopping for those basic ” capsule wardrobe” items I tend to think more about what I will wear them with and to buy things I can use in multiple ways. Say this high waisted pencil skirt I recently ordered in a “granny pink” colour. Although I love colour I would normally buy a top or a sweater in say pink and then the bottom in navy, grey or some other muted colour. But this time I felt like this would be just what I needed. I could instantly see this skirt with a white shirt or a blue and white striped shirt. Or with my grey cashmere sweater or the beige one or with a cardigan. Even with a Breton stripe shirt and white Supergas as the skirt is actually cotton. I can see it being worn with ballerinas and with heels. With pretty golden jewellery! So when I can see it with so many things I already have in my wardrobe I can say it´s a winner and easily justify buying the item. And J. Crew thinks of tall ( that would be me) and petite customers too which is a bonus as I can actually wear my skirt the lenght it was designed to be worn and don´t have to buy it a size larger which will make it an ill fit around the waist. Yay!


A good button down shirt is also a must and although I have shared my absolute favourite white shirt I have been using for years ( I can say that without blinking an eye as I have used those for ten years now) I like to have options too. So I bought this pretty stripy shirt for myself. I like a shirt with a bit of stretch as it makes it so comfortable and it makes the slim fit nicer. Blue and white stripes are basically my go to colours. They look absolutely perfect with everything!



I´m curious, who else keeps on being inspired by the pencil skirts the ladies in the TV series Suits wear season after season? Although the characters of Donna and Jessica have pretty fabulous dresses on the show I love Rachel´s style the most. Soft, feminine, understated sexy and smart.

Oletko muuten katsonut tv-sarjaa Suits ( Pukumiehet)? Sen lisäksi, että sarjan mieshahmoilla on aina upeat puvut päällä, niin myös lakitoimiston ladyt pukeutuvat upeasti. Erityisesti kynähameita on sarjassa näkynyt alusta asti ja ainakin minua ne ovat inspiroineet.

Have a great day!

Ihanaa päivää!


For us living in Finland J.Crew does ship here with a 20€ flat rate shipping fee and you pay the taxes and duties online as you shop

My cons on buying clothes online are these… you never quite know with the size if you are not familiar with the model from before. For instance this skirt was too big for me and I had to take it to a seamstress to take it in. I really wanted it with me on my work trip so exchanging it for a smaller size was not a option. But now I know for the future as I really liked the model a lot! The other thing is that when you buy your clothes in a store they are nicely ironed but when they travel in a parcel they need to be pressed before use and don´t have that brand new wrinkle free look I love in clothes. I also love them in silk paper and in a pretty box or a paper bag ( Net-a-porter does all that though!).

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6 comments on “ J. Crew for me too „
Täti Ruskea, on February 22, 2016

Yritän nyt uutta vaatehuoneeni sisältöä rakentaessani aina jotain ostaessani miettiä juuri sitä minkä kanssa voisin uutta vaatetta käyttää ja missä sitä käyttäisin. Less is more, mutta on kiva, että kaapista löytyy myös jokunen “herkkupala” 😉 Kiva että löysit sellaisen itsellesi. Yritin kerran aloittaa tuon Suits-sarjan katselun Netflixiltä, mutta jäi kesken. Täytyypä taas pitää se mielessä, kun seuraavaksi etsin katseltavaa.

Sofia, on February 29, 2016

Täti Ruskea, itse olen pitänyt Suitsista tosi tosi paljon, mutta kaikki ei siitä kyllä innostu. Taisin koukuttua kerrasta!

Annika, on February 23, 2016

Hih, olen niin samaa mieltä Suits:sta 🙂 Mahtava sarja ja upeat vaatteet vielä pisteenä i:n päällä! Ja erityisesti Rachelin tyyli on sellainen, että siitä voisi hakea inspistä omaankin garderoobiin 🙂

Sofia, on February 29, 2016

Annika, se on kyllä ihana ja mikäs sen parempaa kuin komeita miehiä hyvissä puvuissa ;).

Ita, on February 24, 2016

I like the stripe combo and I’m reminded I how much I like button down shirts as well.

Sofia, on February 29, 2016

Thank you Ita. I loved this skirt so much I actually ordered one in a smaller size too. It´s a really good fit and goes so well with both the stripes and plain shirts etc.

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