Happy thoughts
by Sofia - in Random
How was your week? Mine was filled with things I did with the girls, some exercise, cooking and work. But mostly with things I did with the girls. Like walking to ballet practise hand in hand and stopping by at a bakery to pick up a fresh cinnamon bun to share along the way. Travelling to Turku for a day trip to see the doll house exhibition on lend from the Victoria & Albert museum. It was brilliant by the way! I´ve told you before that I love miniatures and used to collect them well in to my teenage years ( and still occasionally buy something if a lovely piece comes across my path). The girls loved it too and we made a day of it. We had pizza for lunch in Tintå and we visited the market hall. We went shopping in the old toy store called Casagrande where we actually found this one dress up costume Bubble Gum has been pestering me about for almost a year now. I will share it with you soon. It was a sunny day and Turku was looking beautiful!

Cotton Candy chose this miniature from the museum shop as the first item in their own collection that will be added to everything I already have when we finally have the dollhouse ready.
Then the next day I picked the girls up early and we went to the Ateneum museum to see the Rodin exhibition with my sister in law and the girls´cousins. We bought them little sketch books and sketching pencils and they were drawing the Rodin sculptures. Even if the girls were not as excited about the amazing (!!!) sculptures as they were about the doll houses I thought it was wonderful to see them sitting at the museum floor and sketching with their little serious expressions on their faces.
On top of it having been a culture filled week it was also a week of material happy thoughts as some clothes I had ordered arrived. Yay for that, although the skirt was way too big on me and had to be taken to a seamstress. More on those next week. And I accidentally found super cute earrings in a place I had never thought to look for jewellery in the first place. My friend and I were coming home from the gym on Monday night and she wanted to quickly pick up some linen sheets ( that looked fantastic by the way I might “need” some for us too) so while I waited for her I saw these earrings. I love bows and my eyes always seem to catch anything with a bow on it but I also loved the little anchors to use on the island or with some preppy outfit!
Mostly I was happy with the time spent with family though. I will be travelling all week next week for work so I really felt like an extra surge of handholding and being together was in place. I also tried out a few new recipes as I felt like the dinner rut was kicking in in our family. You know when you start making the same dishes over and over again. It was fun to come up with something different.
I know these sound like fragments of an ordinary life and so they are. Us running through the days that turn in to nights but stopping somewhere there to really squeeze the hand you hold and listening to the child´s decision to buy a cinnamon bun over a cardamon one. Our capability to slow down and lean just a little longer to the strong shoulders we love only when briefly passing by in the kitchen. The moment you smell the scent of fresh mint, dill and garlic mixed with pistachios and know you are coming up with something that will feel just as pleasant on you palate as it does on your scent. Those are the moments that make us happy because we know that within all the rush in our lives we have lived and loved and focused on the good. The really really good and important things.
Did you have a good week? What was your happiest moment?

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