
Bye bye April

by Sofia   -   in Random

You guys, it´s already May!  Four weeks until summer and none until the first trip to the island (it´s tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow…)! But before we head over to a new month let me recap the best of April and the everyday happiness too.


( from left to right and top to bottom)

I started my month in New York where it was very Spring like already. I had my take away coffee from Maman Café and picked up some special online shopping. My mom made her trip to Paris and bought me souvenirs too! Like a Petit Bateau raincoat ( finally found one in the size I wanted), a new stripy shirt from the same brand and a new cleanser & toner. I also got the girls some cute Noodle & Boo products from New York. Then it was time for our trip to London. It was an amazing trip! We went for a lookout for Jo Loves as we wanted to see the brand Jo Malone created after she sold her old company and we found perfect summer fragrances and the lovely Elizabeth str. with a pink Peggy Porchen coffee shop and the cutest dog store ever, Mungo & Maud. I stole some of the girls´ cherry brooches for my coat. We also had one breakfast in bed which is always fun and laughed at our bags travelling in their complimentary seats. At home I enjoyed the spring sun and freshly cleaned house with a cappuccino in hand in total silence one day before pick up. It´s one of my favourite feelings… being in an empty and clean house all by myself with my happy thoughts.


The month was also filled with pretty regular things like cookie tins and reading books for the girls with a tea cup in my hand. Pretty  little pastels and some regular nights turned in to feasts with a surprise tiramisu desserts bought from the Italian deli. Girls clothes layed out and ready for another day in nursery. Pretty peonies! A phone pouch my 6 year old designed and sew for me ( I´m a proud mom so I use it too!). Some more everyday pastels in the dish washer. A weekend breakfast of the champions with all kinds of things from my New York trip like bagels and organic turkey bacon. I broke my kitchen timer so I borrowed one from the girls play kitchen ( that actually works). Some moment on my way to work matching with my agenda. And a school pick up outfit that includes my new Uniqlo x Liberty lightweight jacket from London. My sports and the girls sports. So just fun everyday life!


The eve of May 1st ( which is a big Vappu celebration here in Finland) we made a festive dinner of a potato salad with my friend´s great recipe & other Vappu foods and drank a few glasses of pink sparkling things. The desserts were traditional funnel cakes & donuts with mead. One night when it was pouring outside and I had finally gotten the girls to bed and was knackered from a long day at work I soaked in a hot bath in candle light. It always lifts my spirits and warms my soul. My ( older) baby girl mastered her split and gave us a ballet show one evening. A snack at work ( you had the recipe) and Cotton Candy before her “yoga” one night. The girls are such fun little things. I try to give them some undivided playtime at nights and here I sneaked a photo while I was a patient diagnosed with a frog in my tummy and a broken foot ( the doctor is getting medication). A messy room here but filled with good vibes and a lot of space for great imaginative play. Some more banana & egg pancakes for breakfast and the aftermath as in the dishes. Cotton Candy has been such a fantastic little lady recently and as she has really hoped for a dog so I took her to buy a puppy. Not a real one unfortunately, but a great substitute. On the last row we are visiting the opening of a children´s store in a new location, some new bows for the summer, the girls in a tram heading home from grocery & book shopping at Stockman´s and some flowers waiting to be arranged in to bouquets around the house.

So there, April was not bad at all! Quite the opposite really. Although I feel like I did work quite a lot more than usually. Luckily May is a bit easier and includes a super exciting adults only long weekend trip to the South of France, the opening of our country house tomorrow and a special work trip to Japan I am so looking forward to!


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8 comments on “ Bye bye April „
Jatta, on May 2, 2016

Ihana postaus ja miten hyvälle tuulelle nuo sun kuvat saavatkaan!
Rutistus ja ihanaa alkanutta toukokuuta!

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Kiitos Jatta ja samoin sinulle ihana!

Anna, on May 2, 2016

Näin Uniqlon verkkokaupassa nuo takit ja tulit heti mieleen!
Kauniita kuvia, iloista viikkoa!

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Anna, hih, nykyään kukaan ei voi nähdä Libertyä ajattelematta mua, anteeksi siitä :D!

Täti Ruskea, on May 2, 2016

Kerrassaan ihania kuvia! Tuosta kuvasta, jossa tytöt touhuavat yhdessä huoneessaan, tuli mieleen meidän syksyllä alkaneet uudet huonejärjestelyt. Pikkupojathan saivat silloin omat huoneet, mutta arvaa mitä! Muutama viikko sitten he saivat takaisin yhteisen ison huoneensa ja ovat olleet siitä niin iloisia. He vain leikkivät ja leikkivät ja leikkivät. Paluu yhteiseen huoneeseen oli molempien toive, vaikka aluksi luulin sitä vain pikkuveljen toiveeksi. En vain ymmärtänyt sitä, sillä kaksi vanhempaa veljestä eivät ole koskaan olleet niin hitsautuneita yhteen kuin tämä nuorempi kaksikko. Liikuttavaa on joskus iltaisin, kun ennen nukkumaanmenoa käy kurkkaamassa pienten huoneeseen ja huomaakin, että nukkuvat samassa sängyssä 😉 Ensimmäisenä iltana takaisin yhteisessä huoneessa, nuorempi sanoikin:”Äiti, nyt mun ei tarvi enää pelätä. ” (kun on veli turvana).

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Kiitos Täti Ruskea! Kiva kun päätyivät takaisin samaan huoneesen!

malviina, on May 3, 2016

Mä kattelin libertyn sivuilta noita takkeja! Hintakaan ei päätä huimannut. Näyttää hyvältä malliltaan ainakin sun päällä ☺

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

malviina, se on kiva malli!

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