
Island chilling

by Sofia   -   in Random

I had a bit of a technical issue here on the island so instead of a blog post you got to enjoy a video of our morning here on Lattemamma´s Facebook page yesterday. It was such a perfect season opening with the most beautiful weather you could ever imagine in Finland in May. We had a lot to do as the house had not been lived in for months and although the boys had been over to open up the house, airing the beds, vacuuming and washing the floors and doing all kinds of technical things with water pumps and such there was still plenty of scrubbing and brushing left for me to do. The girls participated and raked the leaves and pine needles with us with their little rakes and washed their miniature tea set and little pots and pans outside in the sun.

We made sure there was time for us to enjoy some beach combing together too and to read our favourite island books at night ( we keep some story books here and it´s always fun to re-read them after a long pause). At lunch time I literally took out a parcel of gravad lax and some butter and rye crisp breads and before I could start any sort of potato boiling the salmon was on the bread and everyone was eating away happily. The best island lunch ever! We also had our first island sauna for the season. Nutty Cotton Candy even dipped in the icy cold sea! My husband started the barbecue season too with a rack of lamb chops and we made a big salad with the girls. We opened a great bottle of red and I can not tell you how nice and quiet and lovely it was with just a conversation going around the table.

I asked the girls what they love most about the island and what they missed the most during winter break.

Cotton Candy;

” I missed the most the boat ride here and beach combing for treasures. I love swimming and that we are all together. And my favourite thing… baking home made almond croissants for breakfast.”

Bubble Gum;

” I missed Nakki ( the huge plush toy pig pictured later) and playing with my important (!) toys. I love the most that we can enjoy the heat, the summer, be on the cliffs, go to the sauna and I have time to hug my blanket*. The best is that we can enjoy the summer ( as there is never winter on the island) and we have time to bake… especially cinnamon buns!”

* this girl enjoys her sleep!
















Lots more island living coming up on the blog these upcoming months so I hope you like these posts. But tomorrow I have a few thoughts for Mother´s day. 

Saari on auki, sesonki saatiin korkattua ennätyksellisen aikaisin ja pyrkimys on päästä maalle taas niin paljon kuin vain mahdollista. Hattara kasteli jo talviturkkinsakin! Mutta kyllä meitä kelit suosivatkin näinä muutamana päivänä jotka ehdimme saaressa olla. Huomenna sitten muutama ajatus äitienpäivään liittyen.


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7 comments on “ Island chilling „
Niina, on May 5, 2016

Ihania kuvia ja tunnelmia! <3

Täti Ruskea, on May 5, 2016

Tunnelma huokuu tänne asti ja voin oikein tuntea meren tuoksun nenässäni, vaikken ole saarielämää viettänytkään. Meillä on kevään merkiksi tiedossa loppuviikon ajan leikkimökin tyhjäys talvisäilytyksessä olleista tavaroista. Leikkimökin (jota muuten kutsumme merimajaksi, koska se on “sisustettu” merityyliin) peseminen talven jäljiltä ja tekstiilien hakeminen sinne ja terassille vintiltä. Terassin pesua ja kalusteiden huoltoa sekä paikalleen asettelua myös luvassa. Lapset odottavat ehkä eniten trampoliinin kokoamista (äiti ei). Samalla kootaan myös futisseinä. Taitaa näissä hommissa päivät kulua. Olishan sitä kaikenlaista puutarhahommaakin, mutta näinä vuosina lasten jutut menevät edelle. Toki kesäkukat pitää laittaa ja vähän haravoida ja siistiä pihaa 🙂

Riikka, on May 5, 2016

Oi miten ihana tunnelma kuvista välittyy!

Karkki, on May 5, 2016

Ihana tunnelma ja fiilis <3

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Kiitos Karo, Riikka, Täti Ruskea ja Niina! Kaipailen jo kovasti takaisin!

Helen, on May 6, 2016

Your island posts are my favourite! It looks so beautiful there and the perfect place to unwind and just be at one with your surroundings. I love the girls’ comments about what they had missed. There is something very special about living near the sea! 🙂

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

thank you Helen and it really is!

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