
Have a wonderful Mother´s Day!

by Sofia   -   in Random

What a fantastic privilege it is to be someone´s mother. It is something I am thankful for every single day and know it is not something I can take for granted. Motherhood was always my biggest dream and I would like to think that so far I have given it my all. I remember when I first got pregnant with Cotton Candy and I was so so excited about it. I had all kinds of hopes and dreams of motherhood and my diary filled faster than ever before. That first pregnancy is such a happy memory in my heart that even the thought of it still makes my heart burst in the seams. But it is nothing compared to everything that followed after her birth. Motherhood is obviously not only filled with the good times, there are hard feelings too, regrets, sadness, exhaustion. There are the moments when you lost your cool and times when your kids were not as lovely and delightful as you would have hoped for. But with all the hard times motherhood is still all and more than I ever would have imagined. And yet it is so much like I hoped it would be in my dreams I wrote down in that diary.








As important as it is for me to be a mother I think it´s important to also find time for myself, my dreams, my friends, my marriage, and my work too. None of these things exclude my family and I would not sacrifice it for any of them but they make me a better mother and a better role model for my girls.







A Mother´s Day post would not be complete without saying thank you to my wonderful mom who truly is the best mom in the universe and to my mother in law who raised such a fantastic son ( 4 actually). As not only are they great moms to us they are amazing role models for our girls. If I ever fail at motherhood they are there to catch the ball, they are my safety net. Not only in taking care of our girls but they have great advice and both are filled with so much love and wisdom to share their grandchildren, we are lucky to celebrate them on mothers day.

It´s also fantastic to have two sisters in law who are raising my children´s cousins at the same time. Not only is it fun for the girls to have cousins so close in age and distance but for me to have these amazing sisters in my life ( as I “only” have a brother). I´m also blessed with plenty of friends whom are my mama role models I look up to and turn to for advice. My motherhood is made so much simpler by having these amazing amazing people in my life. I would not be half the mom I am without being able to share and resonate and mirror my mother self with theirs. I can not thank these ladies enough!

Have a fantastic Mother´s Day! You truly are amazing! And as they saying goes…

” Rest easy real moms. The fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one.”

So there. Enjoy! If you are not sure ask your kids who they think is the best mom in the world. I think they all have the same answer. You.

Ihanaa äitienpäivää näiden ehkä hieman siirappisten kuvien ja ajatusten myötä. Kaikessa höpsöydessään ne ovat juurikin osuvia äitiyttä ajatellen.


All the wonderful illustrations are from Heather Stillufsen and available at her Etsy shop RoseHillDesignstudio

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8 comments on “ Have a wonderful Mother´s Day! „
Helen, on May 6, 2016

Perfect illustrations! I feel as if they should be pinned around the house as daily inspiration! Happy Mother’s Day.

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Helen I think they should be! You too!

Ita, on May 6, 2016

Love the post!
Happy Mother’s Day!

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Thanks Ita and you too!

Jatta, on May 6, 2016

Happy Mother’s Day sweetie!

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

Same to you dear Jatta!

Cindy, on May 6, 2016

Have a fantastic mothers day

Sofia, on May 10, 2016

You too Cindy!

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