Smoked salmon dip
by Sofia - in Random
Löysin tämän reseptin Gwyneth Paltrown Goop sivustosta ja se kuulosti niin helpolta ja herkulliselta saaressa kokeiltavaksi, että testasin sitä heti. Ja se on todella herkullista joten jaan nyt reseptin teidänkin kanssanne. Pyöristin vähän desimittoihin näitä mittasuhteita, mutta dippiä voi toki täysin tuunata oman maun mukaan! Goop sivusto suosittelee dippiä perunalastujen ja sampanjan kaveriksi. Me testasimme sen alkuruokana kylmän Sauvignon Blancin ja peruna- & juureslastujen kanssa aurinkoisena kesäiltana. Toimi erinomaisesti! Ylimääräisestä dipistä voi hyvin tehdä seuraavana päivänä lounasleivät tai eväsleivät retkelle kun voitelee saaristolaislimppua tai vaikkapa ( siemen)ruisleipää, laittaa päälle salaatinlehden, keitettyä kananmunaa viipaleina, lohidippiä, sekä tilliä ja sitruunaa koristeeksi.
I made this smoked salmon dip on the island and highly recommend trying it, it was very easy and super delicious!
2,5 dl tuorejuustoa
1 dl creme fraichea
1 dl lämminsavulohta hienonnettuna ( itse laitoin kyllä enemmän, ainakin 2 dl)
2 kevätsipulia hienoksi silputtuna
1/2 sitruunan mehu
n. 1 rkl raastettua sitruunan kuorta
( suolaa tarvittaessa)
Vatkaa tuorejuusto kuohkeaksi sähkövatkaimella ja sekoita loput aineet joukkoon. Voit lisästä maun mukaan enemmän lohta, sitruuna tms. Koristele kevätsipulirenkailla ja tarjoile perunalastujen kanssa. Itse vatkasin koko dipin sähkövatkaimella jotta siitä tulisi mahdollisimman kuohkeaa.

Island colours and happy thoughts
by Sofia - in Random
The start of our holiday has been very relaxing ( minus the Regatta, which was mostly just fun!). We have been lazy on the island basically doing nothing all day long. I´ve finished 3 books ( I read many simultaneously) and started 2. We have read Harry Potter in bed every night with Cotton Candy way past her bedtime for even 2 hours in one sitting as it´s too good to put down and she is adorable trying to stay awake asking me for “one more chapter”. She reminds me of myself as a child. The weather has been windy to say the least and rainy on some days too ( so rainy I had to save my hydrangea to sleep in the kitchen sink one night) but we don´t really mind ( read my overly long p.s.). We´ve been having long breakfasts by the fire and other mornings we´ve had breakfast on the rocks in our rain coats. Lucky for us we are not from sugar and can stand some wind too!
I can tell you some things I have enjoyed tremendously in the past week.
1. The scent of smoke from a burning fireplace coming from the chimney whilst you stand outside in the rain. It must be one of my all time favourite scents. The nature, the rain, the cozy fire. Nothing like it!
2. Listening to the ocean roar outside my bedroom window. Our widow is really a door that opens to the terrace and has a sea view. So we sleep less than 20 m from the ocean. It´s so lovely to cozy up under our duvet when you hear the waves crashing on the rocks in a constant lull.
3. The girls running to the sauna butt naked on the rocks after dipping in the sea. Their long hair swept by the wind. Nothing cuter. Something I will miss so much when they grow older.
4. Just being there. For anybody who needed me. Sleeping in my own ( country house) bed next to the people I love. Waking up when I had slept long enough and having breakfast with the people I love. Being idle with the people I love. Just being there. For me and for them. I read the news online, I know what is going on in the world ( it makes me horrified, it makes me sad, all of it does) but somehow I try not to loose sleep over it, I try to concentrate on the things around me that are filled with good and filled with love. So I was there. I was right here. Right now.
5. The sun glistening on the sea, twinkling between the trees. It has not been one of those very hot Julys where we lounge on the cliffs and dip in the sea to cool down. But the sun has been here. And it looks just as pretty playing in the wind. Maybe even a little prettier. It´s the joyful sun that has filled my heart with happiness.
6. A blue moment very late at night with my older baby, sitting on the rocks, her cuddling in my jumper. We were looking out to the sea after a stormy day and talking sweet nothings. I told her that I love her ( which I tell them all the time) and that she is an amazing person I´m very proud of and that she should promise never ever to forget that. She cozied up against my chest and promised she would´t. I took comfort in knowing she is still so little she fits inside my clothes and inside my arms.
Some pretty, mostly blue & white, details from the island…

Kauneimmat kukkahaalarit
by Sofia - in Random
Kävimme maanantaina kaupungissa kääntymässä yhden päivän. Sillä aikaa kun pyykkikone pörräsi me kipaisimme hakemaan muutaman tarpeen saareen. Shoppailuasuiksi aurinkoisena päivänä valikoituivat Nona K´lta saadut ihanat kukalliset Peppi-haalarit. Ne ovat suloistakin suloisemmat! Haalarit ovat kivat sandaalien tai tennarien kanssa ja niihin voisi erinomaisesti yhdistää vaikkapa farkkutakit tai toki myös pehmoiset neuletakit. Nämä ovat varmasti myös erinomaiset elokuun ekoihin koulu- ja päiväkotipäiviin.