Excited for right now…
by Sofia - in Random
… I wanted to start a new recurring theme ( post) on the blog and share some things with you that excite or interest me at that moment. Like the weekend links-posts I used to share. These caught my attention lately…
I´m just off to the post office to pick these up for the girls. Are they not adorable? We are going on our winter holiday in two weeks ( before the winter even starts really…) and these will be perfect for that night flight with the girls little travel pillows ( and I always bring them my old large pashmina shawls as they are lightweight, soft and warm). I chose the blue gingham bunny for Bubble Gum and the blue & white striped bear for Cotton Candy.
This book is out in USA now and out in Europe the 1st of December. It´s not a secret that I´m a fan of Darcy Miller since the longest time and have been waiting excitedly for this book now. The wait is almost over!

Halloween asun ei välttämättä tarvitse olla niin hirmuisen pelottava. Jos teidän koulussa tai päiväkodissa pukeudutaan Halloweeniksi ja lapsesi ei välttämättä innostu kovin hurjista asuista niin tässä muutama ehdotus minkä tyyppisen kokonaisuuden voi lapselle koota ( vaikkapa sieltä omasta vaatekaapista). Ehkäpä hän haluaa juhla-asun päälleen ja siihen voi lisätä vain suloiset korvat pannan muodossa ja maalata pienen nöpöneneän ja viikset mustalla rajauskynällä. Tänne olen taas keräillyt mielestäni aika mageita pukeutumisasuja, ei välttämättä vain Halloweeniin sopivia.
I know a lot of schools and daycares do Halloween dress up for Friday. Here are some cute options if super scary is not the way your child wants to go.

Paris in pictures
by Sofia - in Random
Lupailin teille vielä Pariisin kuvia ja tässä näitä nyt olisi…
I promised to return with more photos from Paris and I´ m keeping to my word. This time I did not bring a camera with me so these are all taken with my phone. I hope you don´t mind terribly!
Have a lovely day!
p.s. I´m having a busy week at work but I´ll return with photos from Bubble Gum´s birthday party when I get a chance to look them through…