
Excited for right now…

by Sofia   -   in Random

… I wanted to start a new recurring theme ( post) on the blog and share some things with you that excite or interest me at that moment. Like the weekend links-posts I used to share. These caught my attention lately…


I´m just off to the post office to pick these up for the girls. Are they not adorable? We are going on our winter holiday in two weeks ( before the winter even starts really…) and these will be perfect for that night flight with the girls little travel pillows ( and I always bring them my old large pashmina shawls as they are lightweight, soft and warm). I chose the blue gingham bunny for Bubble Gum and the blue & white striped bear for Cotton Candy.

This book is out in USA now and out in Europe the 1st of December. It´s not a secret that I´m a fan of Darcy Miller since the longest time and have been waiting excitedly for this book now. The wait is almost over!

I´m also looking forward to this book that came out last month. I was waiting to order it together with the previous one as I thought it was coming out at the same time in Europe as it does in the US but now I might have to make two separate orders…

The Gilmore Girls: a year in the life new ( last 4) episodes on Netflix coming out on the 25th of November ( see the trailer here)! I´m also a fan of the Gilmore Girls as you may know. I´ve seen the whole series so many times it´s maybe a little embarrassing but I love their witty lines and parenting style. It´s a great show as it is at the same time silly and ridiculous but also charming and very smart. Besides they are coffee drinkers!

The Marks & Spencer x Marie Chantal collection is definitely something I´m looking forward to!

We just got our tickets to the Nutcracker ballet for December for Bubble Gum´s birthday. It´s the loveliest yearly tradition! Needless to say I´m already excited for Christmas…


Have a great weekend! And if you are celebrating Halloween this weekend I hope you have a brilliant time. My Halloween Pinterest board is here if you are looking for some new ideas.


p.s. I will be in Dubai this weekend for a sort of mixed work and down time trip. I´m looking forward to seeing the sun & the gym but also to having some time to reply to your comments on the blog and to write a few new posts for you and to go through the photos of the birthday party. Maybe I´ll squeeze in a trip to a mall too. “Just” to get some Halloween candy for Monday night ( wink wink).


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13 comments on “ Excited for right now… „
Helen, on October 28, 2016

I have the Darcy Miller book on my Amazon wish list and I hope to pick up something for my little lady from the Marie Chantal/M&S collection for Christmas. The sleep masks are so cute and really make a difference when you are trying to sleep on board. My boys were like night owls on our last plane trip overnight, but they were sooo tired the next evening we couldn’t rouse them for dinner! That’s the problem with good inflight entertainment as they get older whereas the littlest was sound asleep for pretty much the whole journey! Enjoy your weekend in Dubai and all that lovely shopping!! 😉

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

Thanks Helen! I hope the girls will sleep like little bears and bunnies ;)…

Niina, on October 28, 2016

Ihania juttuja! Ja noloa tai ei, niin lasken jo melkein päiviä Gilmoren tyttöjen paluuseen. 🙂 Tämä on yksi niistä sarjoista, joita voi katsoa kerta toisensa jälkeen ja odotan jo kovasti sitä aikaa, että voin katsella sitä tyttöjenkin kanssa. Mukavaa Dubain reissua!

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

Kiitos Niina ja sama täällä!

Susanna, on October 28, 2016

Mulla on molemmat mainitsemasi kirjat jo yöpöydällä. Beautiful on todellakin BEAUTIFUL. Ihan lemppari! Celebrate everything ei säväyttänyt ihan odotetusti mutta mieleinen sekin.

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

Susanna, kiva tietää, että kannattaa odottaa tätä hyvää, ainakin Markin kirjaa siis!

Ita, on October 28, 2016

Great post. A little bit of everything.
Safe trip!

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

Thank you Ita!

neitioliivi, on October 28, 2016

Taalla myos odotellaan Gilmoren tyttoja! On kylla niin ihqu sarja.

Tana vuonna itse sain vihdoinkin aikaiseksi ja hankittua liput Pahkinensarkijaa katsomaan Bostonin Balettiin.

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

neitioliivi, se on! Ja ihanaa, Boston balletin versio on varmasti upea!

Täti Ruskea, on October 28, 2016

Ihania juttuja! Mä en nuorempana ehtinyt katsoa ollenkaan tv:tä ja esim.Gilmorit on jäänyt näkemättä. Nyt oonkin sitten syksyn ajan kahlannut niitä läpi. Ni, eipä sitä aikaa nytkään ole, mutta pieni oma hetki illalla käsityön ja Gilmorien kanssa järjestyy ainakin muutaman kerran viikossa. Kuinka monta tuotantokautta niitä nyt sitten lopulta onkaan?

Sofia, on October 30, 2016

Täti Ruskea, niitä on 7 tuotantokautta ja nyt tehdään tosiaan neliosainen lopetus tälle.

Susanna, on October 30, 2016

Milleriäkin kannattaa odottaa, ehdottomasti! Alkuselailulla vaikutti vain kovin sekavalta – paljon kaikkea yksissä kansissa mutta nyt olen vkonlopun aikana lukenut kirjan kannesta kanteen ja pidän kovasti. Paljon käyttökelpoisia ja tosi kivoja ideoita sekä vinkkejä.

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