Birthday cake
by Sofia - in Party planning
Last Friday when it was Bubble Gum´s real birthday we invited the grandparents for some cake, coffee and bubbles. As with the morning photos the lighting in the evening was not much better and I had the guests waiting so I took a few hurried pictures of our table. It always feels a bit awkward to take photos when the guests have arrived. But I wanted to share them regardless. I made a very simple cream cake with whipped cream, strawberry jam, fresh strawberries & banana between the layers. I coloured the whipped cream pale pink to match the table. You can find the recipe for the cake here.
The loveliest napkins, papercups & straws are from Juhlahumua. I made a blog collaboration with them for Bubble Gum´s birthday for her friends coming up this Sunday. You will see more next week ( or the week after)!
It was the first time she cut her own cake and it made her so happy ( so I had to share some photos of that concentrated smile…). My little big girl! Her most wished for birthday present also came through on Saturday when my brother came over with a skateboard! She is so much cooler than her mom…

Syntärisankarin mekko on kyllä kaunis, ja niin on kakkukin!
Voinko tiedustella, mistä olet löytänyt nuo kauniit pöytälamppujen jalat? Blogisi on upea, sen hyväntuulisia aiheita on kiva lukea 🙂
Anni tiedätkö, että en muista enää. Olisivatko olleet Papagenasta aikoinaan vai Salista? Nämä ovat jo niin vanhat, etten muista.
Onnea suloiselle Purkalle <3
Meillä 5 vee juhlat edessä joulukuussa. Lahjalista on pitkä, tarjoiluja jo suunnitellaan, sankarin toimesta siis 😉
Meillä oli muuten samat servietit kuopuksen elokuisilla synttäreillä, myös vihreänä. Sa samoja pahvimukeja. Todella tykätyt ja söpöt.
Kiitos Irina!