
It´s getting closer

by Sofia   -   in Random


Halloween is a sort of a lamp post in the calendar… after that one can slowly start to dip their tows in the pool called Christmas! Right? I´m not putting any decorations out but I do start to plan on it, getting in to the spirit of things. We still have Cotton Candy´s birthday to come so that sort of dictates the decorating time in our house. She decided on a mermaid theme for her friend´s this year ( another pool party as they had so much fun at the flamingo one). But we will have the table set upstairs for them so I will have to tone down the seasonal tinsels and tassels until that is over. Or what would you say about a mixed mermaid and Christmas theme?!  The party we hold for the relatives will be at the beginning of December so for that I have decided on a ” seasonably appropriate ” theme ( insert a wink).




What are your holiday musts to get you in the spirit? I love to listen to my festive playlist already and the scented candles in our house have a Chirstmassy scent. I added plenty of cardmom & more cinnamon to my pumpkin spice mix to get a new flavour on my coffee. I also love to browse through my Christmas books & start to plan the decorations and the feel I want in the house for December. Do you always use exactly the same decorations or do you change your theme yearly. I have a bit of both. A mix of the classics & a new theme in the overall scheme.

Have a lovely day,


P.s. Photos from a past Christmas in our house


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2 comments on “ It´s getting closer „
Katja, on November 13, 2017

Jouluvalojen asennus ja kynttilät esille sekä ekat glögit, siitä se lähtee. Aleksanterinkadun jouluvalot kulkueineen ja Stockan jouluikkunat sekä naisten joulumarkkinat Wanhassa satamassa. Lisäksi musiikkia.

Sofia, on November 22, 2017

Katja hyvältä kombolta kuulostaa! Meillä nykyään mysö Tuomaan markkinoiden karusellista on muodostunut osa perinteitä. Toivottavasti se tulee taas!

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