
New week

by Sofia   -   in Shopping

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! Mine was pretty much perfect from time spent with friends and with family to great food and fun activities ( movies, bowling, party hosting etc.). Not a single thing to complain about. So it´s a great starting point to a new week filled with work and hopefully some exercise. 

At some point of the year I always start to count the weeks to the opening of our country house. And now is definitely the time. I am so excited about it as always! Perhaps eight to ten weeks to go. And this year we have the brad new floors there too. Finally white! I can´t wait!

I´m pretty sure soon we will really start to smell the Spring in the air. It is imminent. I love the changes in the seasons. The turning points. The anticipation for the change and the little things leading to it. Just like planning a vacation it´s very exciting to build up to the moment and the enjoy it when it arrives. And the seasonal foods, clothes, holidays, plans. Easter is one of my favourites with the lamb and chocolate eggs and pretty colours. It holds some of my favourite childhood memories. The kind I can still smell and taste and remember very vividly. Painting easter eggs at my godmothers house. The decorated pussy willow and going around our neighbourhood with friends exchanging them for sweets. The school Easter mass where we sang the hymns we had been learning from the top of our lungs. I think at about this time of year we also started rehearsing for the ballet´s spring recitals learning new exciting dances and routines making classes even more exciting.



I bought this pretty bunny bowl for Easter candy from Williams-Sonoma ( photo credits to them). As I am a fan of bucket weave and bunnies and white ceramics it´s really perfect for me. 


Who else is excited for Spring? For Easter?


p.s. I will post pictures of the baby shower on the blog once I get them on my computer and have a chance to look them through. I did post a few from my phone on the Instagram account.

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