
Sling it back

by Sofia   -   in Shopping

Sometimes when I write you these posts I just come up with a silly title and think I will change it before publishing and often end up not doing it after all. Does anyone immediately think of a song when reading this one? I still have a few Moloko songs on my running play list.

Anyhow I have been asked for personal style posts over and over again and I don´t know why I never end up writing them. I just sort of feel that I should either write them often or not at all. But heck, it´s my blog so why could I not just write about anything I like. So here is a style post and it may take me a week or a year to write the next one but the so be it…

I have been so needing new shoes for a while and by “needing” I mean just wishing for a new pair to top of my already ridiculous amount of shoe boxes that take over half of my walk in closet space. So very frivolously wishing and not really needing at all. Anyhow I had my eye on this pair of Aquazurra velvet powder puff heels in an antique rose colour that my dear friend who lives in Singapore ( who´s style I love although we are very differently built and totally can not wear the same clothes but shoes & bags for sure…) has had for some time. So when we were in Miami I tried them on and they were fabulous. My husband told me to buy them but I figured that I should just order them from Net-a-porter to get them delivered straight home ( besides they were substantially cheaper in Europe). So at the hotel we went online to do just that… they were sold out in my size. I was very bummed and then I could not find them anywhere in my size anymore.

Later on I found another super pretty pair from the same brand in my size and hinted at hubby that those would be great too. No sign of any shoes for a while. Then my friend found the powder puffs on sale at a Finnish store Nina´s in red. She found them on Saturday and they still had them in every size and I told my husband that maybe I should just buy them in red instead. He told me not to get them and left to pick something up from his office ( I may or may not have been sulking a little at this point). He had ordered the other shoes for me and was keeping them for a special moment ( that I sort of ruined by accident). They were so pretty! And just a little too big for me. So they had to be sent back.

On Monday I went to Nina´s to buy the red ones. They had just sold out in my size. Seriously! I realised that those pompom shoes were not meant to be. So I walked to another shop and bought myself the Chanel slingbacks I had been dreaming of for a long time. And realised that I am a classics girl after all. They were the shoes that were meant to be for me. And the story ends with me getting the shoes at the same price the Aquazurras would have been in Miami. But these were my shoe destiny. And my other friend got the red pompoms in her size and will rock them for sure I can admire them on her!

So here is my pretty new pair I can wear with anything from jeans to a little black dress. With a Chanel inspired jacket or a sloughy cashemere jumper or a leather jacket. I can wear them for breakfast, lunch or dinner. And I will definitely wear them for our girls trip to the South of Spain in May. And as one friend pointed out these are the perfect shoes to wear to a place where there are cobble stone streets as the heels won´t get stuck and especially after a few glasses of wine ( no need to lean on hubby excessively).









Have a frivolously fun day,


p.s. Who knows maybe the powder puffs come to me too. I still do love them!

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8 comments on “ Sling it back „
Mia/neitioliivi, on April 12, 2018

Todella ihanat klassiset kengät! Itse katsoin näitä Bostonissa. Vielä ei tie käynyt kengillä kaappiini, sillä ostin korkokengät gaalaan. Sinun tyyli on niin ihanan klassinen ja inspiroiva. Itse myös välillä mietin vähän rohkeampia, mutta lopulta palaan klassiseen.

Sofia, on April 19, 2018

Mia/neitioliivi kiitos ihana!

Hanneleh, on April 12, 2018

Ihanat ja klassiset kengät. Menevät vuosia. Itse olen vastaavia katsonut Zarasta. Tosin ilman avokantapäätä. Nämä tyyli jutut on ihan lemppareitani. Kiitos että jaksat niitäkin kirjoittaa. 🙂
Ymmärrän myös että halusit sulkea yksityis instagramisi. Lapsiaan haluaa suojella ja muutenkin pitää jotain asioita itsellään. Mutta kiva että on lattemammablogi instagramissa. Jatkan sen seuraamista. 🙂 hyvää vk-loppua.

Sofia, on April 19, 2018

Hanneleh, täytyykin kurkata nuo Zaran kengät varakappaleiksi!

malviina, on April 12, 2018

Superhienot! Heh,molokoa löytyy munkin soittolistalta. Roisin Murphyn silloinen tyyli on edelleen fressi. Kannattaa siis panostaa klassikoihin 😉

Sofia, on April 19, 2018

Malviina, se on juurikin näin! 😉

May, on April 18, 2018

Gorgeous darling, you have the best taste, the Chanel’s are perfection

Sofia, on April 19, 2018

May, my style guru! <3 <3 <3

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