
Happy thoughts

by Sofia   -   in Random

Oh May! How well you have been treating us Finns! It has been such a warm summery month. Everyone is in a fabulous mood and it´s such a joy to get to use all the pretty skirts & dresses for the girls at pre-school and school! So many things to be happy and grateful about ( non superficial ones too).

It is always such a pleasure and a privilege ( I know) to be able to travel a lot. I had the most amazing holiday with my girlfriends in the South of Spain. It was mostly just us relaxing on the terrace laughing and giggling at our silly stories or reading our books but also about some sports and some amazing foods. Grilled sole, fresh salads, sweet berries & melon for breakfast, yummy paella and so on. We loved it! We even squeezed in some shopping ( are you surprised?). I shared the things I found for the girls on Instagram ( and some holiday videos & photos too). That trip was definitely a happy thought, even though I tripped on a loose tile and twisted my ankle quite badly which was the end of any morning runs for me. But it definitely did not stop me from enjoying my time with a group of fabulous girls I´m so happy to have as friends.

One of my happy thoughts at this time of the year are the flowers. All my favourites available all in abundance like lily of the valley, sweet peas and pretty peonies. Our home always has this wonderful scent in May and early June from all the fragrant beauties in different rooms. What is there not to love?!







Another happy thought is my new bracelet I got for Mother´s Day. It´s a golden shell, very dainty and absolutely my style. I have been wearing it on repeat and it´s also perfect for the island where I normally don´t wear much jewellery, even my wedding bands.



The fairly new range from Lumene, Harmonia, that I got as a gift from a friend is another happy thought. These will travel to the island this summer for me to use there. I can not wait to try them out! Did you try them? Did you like them? I have heard such great things! They even have this super pretty scented candle which I have been planning to light up in the sauna´s dressing room with my sister in law as we try out the scrubs, masks and serums. We are very excited as girls pampering time can even be done in the middle of nowhere on an island if you bring such pretty accessories. They use the same range in the St George spa in the fabulous new hotel in Helsinki if you want to try their facial with these products. We will have our own little spa there on a lone island truly feeling the soul of the silent forest ( which is, quite fittingly, the name of the candle).






So many more happy thoughts in my head including the upcoming dance spring recitals, my little birthday party I can not wait for and my summer holiday which is coming closer and closer very soon!

Have a wonderful weekend and I will try to get a chance to write some more posts for you very soon!



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4 comments on “ Happy thoughts „
Katja, on May 28, 2018

Ihanat pakkaukset tuossa uudessa Lumenen sarjassa. Olen kuullut paljon kehuja tuosta uudesta St George hotellista, hauskasti keksitty nimi Yrjönkadun hotellille. Useinhan George käännetään Yrjöksi, ainakin kuninkaiden kohdalla. Täytyypä varata aika sinne kasvohoitoon, kun edellisestä hoidosta on aivan liian pitkä aika, niin samalla pääsee uutta Lumenen sarjaa testaamaan. Ihanaa kun jaat matkakokemuksiasi, luen niitä mielenkiinnolla. Itselläni on aina joku matka suunnitteilla, matkustaminen yksi rakkaimmista harrastuksista. Toivottavasti nilkkasi on jo parempi.

Sofia, on June 1, 2018

Kiitos Katja, nilkka on jo juoksukunnossa!

Katja, on May 28, 2018

Ihana tuo rannekoru. Minäkin sain äitienpäivälahjaksi rannekorun, Kalevala korun Haave (daydream), josta minulla oli jo samaa sarjaa kaulakoru sekä korvikset. Nyt on täydellinen setti.

Karkki, on June 4, 2018

Sain myös Harmoniaa lahjaksi ystävältä:)Ihana yllätys ja on ollut mukava testailla näitä.

Testauksen perusteella itselle mieluisimmat tuotteet olivat juurikin seerumi ja sitten hieman yllättäen Nutri-Recharging Purifying Peat-to-Foam Cleanser. Tämä jälkimmäinen tuntui jopa paremmalta kuin vakikäytössä oleva Madaran puhdistusvaahto. Kasvorasvasta en erityisemmin pitänyt. Se ei ollut tarpeeksi ravitseva oman ihoni tarpeisiin.

Minut näissä Harmonia tuotteissa tekee onnelliseksi se, että tuotteet eivät aineosaluettolon perusteella sisällä mitään superpahis -aineita ja mm tuoksukomponentit ja emulgaattorit näissä ovat luonnollisia. Ja ei Harmonia toki luonnonkosmetiikka ole mutta ehdottomasti mielestäni steppi oikeaan suuntaan. Puhdistusaine saattaa jäädä minulle jopa vakikäyttöön kesäksi, niin hyvältä se tuntui.

Ihanaa kesäkuun alkua <3

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